Implementation Review1 Archive Ingest Redesign March 14, 2003
Implementation Review2 Archive Ingest Redesign high-level requirements Port Ingest system from Open VMS to Unix Ingest will be the last remaining back-end function on Open VMS. Ingest will run under Solaris on the 15k Make Ingest scalable for future increase in data volume post-SM4 Improve throughput and reliability Decouple Ingest from Distribution software for ease of operation and maintenance Improve system maintainability Facilitate Ingest changes that are driven by changes in data structure during science instrument lifetimes.
Implementation Review3 Current OPUS data processing / DADS Ingest interface Historically, data processing and archive systems have developed independently. Data processing system went from PODPS to OPUS. Archive system went from DMF to ST-DADS. In the past, these systems have not even operated within the same security environment. This paradigm does not work with the current archive philosophy. On-the Fly Reprocessing (OTFR) requires integration of data processing and archive distribution functionality. Enhanced data processing, particularly database catalogs, requires closer coupling of data processing and archive system. To address this change, software maintenance for data processing and archive systems now in one branch.
Implementation Review4 Current OPUS data process – DADS Ingest interface (cont.)
Implementation Review5 Ingest Functionality Extract metadata from data header keyword values and populate archive science catalog Write data files to archive storage media Catalog location and properties of files in archive database Validate integrity of data files Set proprietary status of data files
Implementation Review6 Goals of Ingest Redesign project Make Ingest more compatible with current science instrument design It is almost impossible to enhance the fragile Open VMS DADS system for new science instruments without breaking existing functionality. Bring Ingest requirements up to date No longer support GEIS format in archive Create final archive for HST first generation science instruments No ingest of raw engineering data or subset engineering data CCS is now HST engineering data archive Improve operator control of the system
Implementation Review7 Status of Ingest Redesign project Ingest Ops Concept complete and distributed on February 20, 2003 Requirement definition in progress
Implementation Review8 Highlights of Ingest Ops Concept Represents a significant simplification in the data system architecture Deploy Ingest as a natural extension of data processing pipelines. Build Ingest on OPUS architecture OPUS software system has over 7 years of operational experience on HST Risk mitigated by using a proven architecture Time to deployment will be reduced Consistent with JWST concept for data processing and archive systems Same software will be used for both HST and JWST
Implementation Review9 Highlights of Ingest Ops Concept (cont.)
Implementation Review10 Highlights of Ingest Ops Concept (cont.) Reduces amount of data shuffling and conversions between different software systems E.g., current WFPC2 science data processing pipeline
Implementation Review11 Highlights of Ingest Ops Concept (cont.) Reduces amount of data shuffling and conversions between different software systems (cont.) Future WFPC2 science data processing pipeline
Implementation Review12 Benefits of Ops Concept All operations on data handled in a single data flow. Create FITS file, populate header keyword values, extract metadata from keyword values, populate science component of archive catalog No duplication of development effort or functionality Consistent development, testing, and operations helps insure quality of archive catalog Facilitates easier delivery of header changes Keyword changes can be built, tested, and deployed within a single subsystem
Implementation Review13 Benefits of Ops Concept (cont.) Decouples Ingest and Distribution Software Although both will utilize much of the same hardware such as the Data depot, 15k, and database Provides opportunity for consolidation of OPUS and DADS based operator tools Provides opportunity to automate data validation
Implementation Review14 Ingest Redesign Schedule Ingest Operational Concept complete and distributed on February 20, Requirement specification in progress To be completed by April 15, 2003 The remainder of the schedule is very preliminary pending requirement scoping and build planning Design review: June 2003 Phased development in OPUS builds between June 2003 and March 2004 System tests: March – April 2004 Deploy system: May 2004
Implementation Review15 Summary of Data Systems software ports to Solaris Over the last few years, HST data processing systems have been ported from Open VMS to Solaris: OPUS infrastructure Ported to Unix for FUSE – February 1998 Current version tested under Solaris HST Science Instrument pipeline applications Ported to Tru64 Unix – October 1999 Testing on Solaris in progress, minor changes anticipated HST Engineering Data Processing pipelines Ported to Solaris – February 2003
Implementation Review16 Summary of Data Systems software ports to Solaris (cont.) HST archive systems port from Open VMS to Solaris in progress: Data Distribution system completion expected in summer 2003 Archive Ingest system completion expected in spring 2004 With completion of Archive Ingest System redesign project, all data systems will be running under Solaris. No other major system enhancement projects expected through end of HST mission.