Classification of Animals
Why classify? All of us know the names of animals, such as the dog, cat, chicken, etc. These are called common names and they are different for people in different countries. Even in the same country there can be many common names for a specific animal. For example: mountain lion, cougar and puma are all names commonly used for the same animal.
Why classify? Scientists learned to classify animals according to certain characteristics to keep track of them. They assign a scientific name, in Latin, to each animal. That name is the same worldwide.
General categories All animals are in one general category called Animalia. All plants belong to a group called Plantae. These names are called kingdoms. There are 5 different kingdoms and animalia and plantae are 2 of them.
Then kingdoms are divided into phyla (or phylum for singular) They are further divided into classes, and so on until a group of living things with very similar characteristics is identified. That final group is called a species. For example: black widow and all of its characteristics
The Order of Classification Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Example: Human Animalia Chordata (vertebrate) Mammalia Primates Hominidae Homo Sapiens
Scientific Name Scientists often refer to animals by their genus and species names. The scientific name for human beings is Homo sapiens
Examples Honeybee Black Widow Kingdom Animalia Phylum Arthropoda Class Insecta Arachnida Order Hymenoptera Araneae Family Apidae Theridiidae Genus Apis Latrodectus Species Mellifera Mactans
Web Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
Example House Mouse Animalia Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Mus musculus
More Examples Snakes Kingdom---Animalia Phylum---Chordata Class---Reptilia Order---Squamata Suborder---Serpentes(snake)
What is it? Beetle Animal Invertebrate Arthropod Insect beetle
What is it? Spider Animal Invertebrate Arthropod Arachnid spider
What it is? Goat Animal Vertebrate Mammal Eurtheria goat
What is it? Koala Animal Vertebrate Mammal Marsupial koala