THE STRATEGY OFINTERVIEWING John H. Silver, D.C.G. Employment & Career Consultant, Speaker, Trainer. Presented by:
Your First Real Job! And how you secured that job?
How people find employment Source Louadler Group
Research Company Individuals Job Description Product Lines Culture Financial Status Business Projections Preparation = Dress Attire Grooming Confidence Cheat Sheet Traveling Time Cash Copies of all Documentation Preparation = Practice knowledgeable answers Understanding Employability Skills Resume Review Cover Letter & Addendum Review Practice answering sensitive questions Preparation =
Traditional Panel Group Telephone Skype – Video Career Fair Informational
Executives were asked, “In which of the following job application areas do you feel candidates make the most mistakes?” Their responses Source: Robert Half International survey of 1,400 chief financial officers
What is an Informational Interview? Existing & Pre-Existing Job Interviews Employers generally like to hire: 1. People they know, 2.People who are recommend, externally or internally, 3.Social Media, LinkedIn, Face-Book, Twitter, 4.Staffing Agencies – Recruiters, 5. Advertise the position.
Initial 30 seconds (first Impressions) decide not to hire! Initial 10 – 20 minutes decide there is a fit, possible hire. Remaining time, confirming or confronting intuition. (70+% of the hiring decision is do I like you enough to take a risk.)
Introduction A formal process, the first 30 seconds may determine whether not to hire. Allow the interviewer to start the interview Discover swiftly the interviewer’s focus and job requirements. Body The decision to an intent to employ can be made within the first 10 to 20 minutes. Discuss the requirements, expectations, duties and functions of the position. Demonstrate how you can perform the requirements and essential functions of the position with your background, education, skills, talents and personal traits. Building an image of the right job fit. Conclusion Allow the interviewer to conclude the interview. Thank the interviewer for his/her time and courtesy. Attempt to arrange follow-up action and time line.
Traditional Tell me about yourself Why are you interested in working for us? What are three things your former manager would like you to improve on? How do you handle pressure? What are your strengths – weaknesses? Behavioral Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of, how did you accomplish it & what was the result. Tell me about a situation when something you said or wrote was misunderstood? What did you do to resolve the situation?, What was the end result? Describe how you would…… (Perform certain essential functions of the job you are applying for)?
Introduction In a pre-existing interview, there is time to establish positive rapport as it is an informal job interview. Ask and discuss general topics relating to the company and/or industry Body Focus the conversation and discuss the department, personnel, objectives and expectations. Layer the conversation to duties and responsibilities of the type of position you are pursuing. Discuss & create an image of your background, education skills, personal traits and how there is a fit between you and the interviewers requirements. Closing Acquire agreement that your background meets the requirements for the job. Secure follow-up action Thank the person for their time
Build rapport and chemistry, Acquire job, company and industry insight as it pertains to your job objectives. Provide information about you and your job fit, Obtain advice and suggestions, Receive conformation that you have a job fit, Extend personal and social networks, Be remembered actively and favorably.
S.T.A.R. approach for interview questions: What was a S ituation, What was the T ask, A ctions taken, R esults.
Extracts from = The Mentality of Interviewing 1. Familiarity breeds fondness, not contempt. Numerous studies have shown that with repeat positive exposure (that is, the more you interact with someone) the more someone will like you. 2. Studies have shown that people tend to like others who like them. When an interviewer finds that you think well of them, they are more apt to make a job offer, pay a higher salary and be flexible on other employment demands such as vacation days or benefit disbursement. 3. Focus on similarities. In the world of persuasion like attracts like. Whether it be a similar experience you share with the interviewer, a similar corporate background, or education, focus on aspects where you and the hiring manager or recruitment professional are alike. (70+% of the hiring decision is do I like you enough to take a risk.)
John H. Silver, D.C.G. Employment & Career Consultant, Speaker, Trainer Telephone: Fax: