Matthew Chapter 7:13-29 IT PAYS TO BE STRAIT I.Introduction A.When it is OK to judge. 1.They cannot know a persons “heart- motive”.
2.The saints will one day judge the angels! a)First take care of the “log” in our own eye. b)We need only to ask Him in prayer. (1) Matthew 7:12 (2) Cannot separate the “Golden Rule”.
B.Conclude the Sermon on the Mount. 1.Contrast 2 ways and 2 foundations. II.Matthew 7: The private and public roads of his day.
a)"a private way = four cubits broad. 2.NASB, “narrow” = “strait” in KJV. a)Also “difficult to enter”. (1) Room for 3 people to walk! (2) Wide road = 14 people!
(a)Passageways one person has a difficult time getting trough. (b)End of most roads a gate to the city. (i)Beyond the gate a door even smaller. (ii)John 10: Hell a superhighway with many entrances.
a) What path are you on! b) If easy – you most likely took a wrong turn. (1)Lost on the super highway! (a)So-called “friends” telling you - you are doing fine!
III.Matthew 7:15-23 A.How will we be able to identify “false prophets”? 1. Look at what they’re “producing”. a)They reproduce “after their kind”.
b)If the tree is healthy so will be the fruit. (1)If the tree is “bad” so the fruit will be! (a) A person not getting nourishment from the Living Water will reveal it!
2.We ARE to judge the “fruit” of a person’s life. a) The false prophet will show their true colors. (1) 1Timothy 5:22 (2) Matthew 7:22-23 IV.CONCLUSION
A.Matthew 7: Key = “action” not “hearing”. a) The wise man acted upon the words! (1)True Christianity = hearing and doing! 2.People amazed that Jesus had such wisdom!
a)Jesus was “real”. b)He wanted them to do what was “right”!