Kevin Reyes Mr. Krucli English 2 15 February 2006
Socrates did not record anything Plato wrote about Socrates life born 469 B.C. Followed Sophroniscus as a sculptor, or joined army His wife Xanthippe had 3 sons Preoccupied with finding wisdom Not much time for family Anaxagoras, early Greek philosopher, taught Socrates Studied cosmology, study of nature or reality Later devoted himself to ethics He became a philosopher Thought it was his mission Provoked men into recognizing their moral ignorance He would talk to anyone Walked by schools to talk to youths Went to market places when most crowded
He questioned things and reasoned with people Talked to young, old, rich, and poor he was put on trial by Athenians Some thought he was corrupting youth Also accused of not worshipping gods Sentenced to death by jury of peers Execution was delayed a month Had time to flee Took hemlock poison and died Spent last minutes Cebes and Simmias talked the Immortality of the soul
Russo, Michael S. "Who was Socrates?" Sophia Project Department of Philosophy, Molloy College. 14 Feb "Biography of Socrates." 15 Feb