OneGeology in CCOP region Hirokazu Kato (Director General of GSJ, AIST) On behalf of Dr. Chun, CCOP T/S Director
OneGeology-CCOP First 1G-CCOP meeting, 25 Jan 2008, GSJ/AIST, Japan. to introduce 1G & discuss how to organize the project among the CCOP Member Countries. CCOP 1:2M digital geologic map for 1G, followed by 1:1M maps of MC.
Preparation of Maps from CCOP Member Countries for OneGeology
CCOP-GSJ WMS portal for CCOP OneGeology
Preparation of Maps from CCOP Member Countries for OneGeology
Registered Geological Maps in CCOP Hosted by GSJ 1.1:2M Geologic Map of East and Southeast Asia 2.1:1M Japan Geologic Map 3.1:1M Indonesia Geologic Map 4.1:1M Philippine Geologic Map Own Server 5.1:1M South Korea Geologic Map (KIGAM) 6.1:1M Thailand Geologic Map (DMR) Coming soon 5.1:1M Vietnam Geologic Map (M) 6.1:1M Malaysia Geologic Map (GSM)
1:2 M Geological Map of East Asia
1:1 M Geological Maps of Japan and Korea
1:1 M Geological Maps of Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand
CCOP and GSJ dedicated WMS Client for geological maps and Other spatial data in the region. OneGeology-CCOP TileCache (Tile Seeding) Tiles Commercial Base Maps WMS WCS RENDER Information 1. Basic: OpenLayers (AJAX) 2. Unlimited Customization (OpenLayers + Java, JavaScript, Rubi etc) Google,VirtualEarth Yahoo, OpenStreetMap etc Client Server NEXT STEP FOR ONEGEOLOGY-CCOP Setting up of the WFSs for the maps of the member countries
NEW CONTRIBUTION FOR ONEGEOLOGY National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR), Japan wishes to contribute to OneGeology by their own geologic map of the Antarctic region.