HAPPY NEW YEAR Write an to a friend you haven’t seen in a long time. Wish them a happy new year.
Structure in paragraphs Salutation: hi, this is ___________. How are you doing? / What’s up ? / How are you getting on with your life? / How are things? What you have done the year before. Tenses: present perfect and past simple. Conclusion: has it been a good year? Say why. What you hope to do during the new year. Future tenses: going to and will. Suggest meeting with him/her during this year: where and when. Farewell: I hope / expect to …
Tips You must ask your friend about him/her with phrases such as “What about you? ; Did / Will you also …? ; Tell me about your …”. You should use some of the newly learnt vocabulary. You must be careful in the use of the tenses. You can describe your Christmas holidays. You should make a list of your activities for each paragraph. Then, writing them will be easier.