Georgia Tech NSF ADVANCE Survey of Faculty Perceptions, Needs, and Experiences Mary Frank Fox Co-Principal Investigator NSF ADVANCE National Conference Atlanta, Georgia April 2004
I.Information Collected in Survey - and Why A.The Georgia Tech (GT) Survey is closely tied to the GT ADVANCE Program’s integrated institutional approach. B.The approach emphasizes organizational features and factors that shape positive outcomes through: 1) Organizational climate 2) Clarity/equity of guidelines for evaluation 3) Collaborative networks of opportunity 4) Supportive work-family/household practices C. The GT Survey assesses perceptions and experiences of faculty in four key areas: 1) Teaching and research 2) Work environments 3) Processes of evaluation 4) Work-family/household arrangements
II. Methods A.Mail Survey: Population of tenure and tenure track women faculty, and stratified random sample of men, in four Colleges. B.Method of Surveying: 1) Timed protocol of up to four (4) mailings 2) Personalized for quantity and quality of response C. Response Rate: 76% of GT faculty: 85% of women, 70% of men
III. Connection between Survey and GT ADVANCE Initiatives A.GT Survey is part of the GT ADVANCE program that helps identify further what is known, and what can be done for advancement. B. The focus of the GT Survey connects with key GT ADVANCE initiatives: 1) ADVANCE Professorships 2) ADVANCE Tenure and Promotion Initiative 3) ADVANCE Family-Friendly Policies and Practices C. Together, these have implications for GT ADVANCE aims for: 1) equity, success, and satisfaction among faculty 2) development of best practices for advancement