Introduction  Silver Fox Surfers is a social enterprise created by a group of S4 pupils that provides Web Wise Courses for the elderly. We aim to run.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction  Silver Fox Surfers is a social enterprise created by a group of S4 pupils that provides Web Wise Courses for the elderly. We aim to run approximately 5 course per academic session  Our hopes are that we can use the money you invest to buy tablets which will allow us to expand our business by mobilising the course. This will enable us to bring the course to places such as nursing homes and community centres.

Our U.S.P  Our unique selling point is that we are offering each person who takes part in the course their own individual tutor, who will provide extra help and support on a one on one basis.  We are also creating a community link between young people and the older generation in the Foxbar/ Glenburn community.

Leadership  Within our enterprise we are collectively managing the business. Each of us have different responsibilities.  John – Finance  Struan – Marketing  Julie and Zoe – H.R

Our Targets for our Enterprise Objective 1 To run a successful business, which enhances the lives of the older generation living within our community as well as providing them with a new skills set. Objective 2 To raise awareness about Social Enterprise and develop people’s understanding of how communities can benefit from this type of enterprise. Objective 3 To give pupils the opportunity to be responsible citizens and make a positive contribution to our community.

Market Research  As there is an increased need for the I.C.T. education of the older generations we have analysed the market by surveying 40 people aged 65+  Our findings encouraged us as 75% of our surveys said that our participants had no real experience in using the internet in purchasing goods such as, food, fuel etc  Also, we found that 88% of our participants do not have an account  Lastly, we found that 90% of our participants stated that they would like to attend I.C.T classes within the school or an outreach setting, as they would be provided with an individual tutor.

What qualifies us to run this enterprise? We have experience of working with the older generation as we were peer educators for the Anne Frank Exhibition last year. A member of Elderslie Kirk Community Group had this to say about our work, “They have restored my faith in young people. They were very knowledgeable, patient and considerate.

Our Course  Our I.C.T. course is Jargon free with the aim of demystify technology for the older generation and providing them with high quality tuition.  The course shall be split into 2 and will hopefully encourage the participant to use the skills that they are being educated in.

The Course – Section 1  Section 1 is an introduction to the course. This section shall provide inexperienced students with the basic skills needed to operate a computer/tablet. Such as….  Seating & lighting  Switching the computer on and off  Using the Mouse and Keyboard  Understanding the Windows Desktop  Windows control buttons  Basic introduction to browsing the Internet.

The Course – Section 2 Section 2 will cover the following topics:  Understanding the Web Browser  Setting up an account  Understanding and using online shopping/comparison sites  Security on the internet.

Competitors  Our main competitor at the moment is West College Scotland  We are trying to portray Gleniffer High pupils as dynamic, caring, considerate and enterprising citizens  We want to include the older generation in the world of I.C.T, to enhance their finances and perhaps their lives.

Marketing  We will be using our local press to promote our course.  We will also distribute flyers and put up posters around the local community.  We will also promote the course heavily on the school’s website and app.  Working with the high profile business P/C World Curry’s will allow us to get the word out even further.

Predicted Profits for 1 st Year Trading  We will be charging £5 per course.  As we offer one to one tuition, this means we can take 3 people on each course. We are offering 5 courses per academic session  Per course that we will provide us with £15 profit.  £15x5 = £75 predicated profit by this time next year.  Any profit will be invested in the purchase of new tablets, however a small amount must be put aside as to allow for the purchase of refreshments for the participants of the course.

Investment  Any investment we receive shall be invested in tablets to allow our enterprise to become mobile and travel to places such as nursing homes, community centres etc  We require a Start Up Capital of £500  Used to buy magnifying implements and it will be used to cover our overheads.

Enterprising Impacts Social Raising awareness with the older generation that young people are not menaces and can make a positive contribution to society. Environmental By teaching people how to access online shopping/banking websites, fuel will be saved as our customers will not have multiple car/bus trips to supermarkets/banks etc. Economical Through the project, Gleniffer pupils will understand how to set up and run a business. Our customers will be able to save money as they will have access to better (online) deals for fuel, insurance, shopping and holidays.

Tablets  To assure that the tablets are always up to date and kept to the high standards that the course shall demand, P/C World Curry’s shall help us to upgrade and maintain the tablets allowing the course to be as reliable as possible. It will also keep our running costs down.

Sustainability  To ensure the enterprise is sustainable we plan to expand by training younger students how to teach the course through various presentation methods.  This will ensure knowledge is cascaded throughout the school and it will guarantee the sustainability of the course for the future.