André Augustinus Infrastructure Turbines Radmon Thermocouple readout Netgear redundancy Other cavern items Cooling CRs Other CR and surface items Water cooled Wiener PS ALICE Technical Coordination06 March 2015
André Augustinus Turbines 86 racks done, 8 to be done (A-area racks) 6 spares to be distributed in rack areas Done by next week More spares at surface (need to buy motor/fan): ~5 units For LS2: more convenient way to bring material to I and O racks (platform), and to C rack area (opening muon floor) ALICE Technical Coordination06 March 2015
André Augustinus Radmon Radmon I Junction box installed yesterday (05/03, Gilles) Install ELMB box, ELMB cable and patch cables Power supply (CR3) Commissioning Operational early April Radmon II Operational (thanks Ombretta) Ready for sector test ALICE Technical Coordination06 March 2015
André Augustinus Thermocouple readout Beampipe and AD, rack C29 PLC solution All material available Installation/cabling to be done next weeks Commissioning can be done remotely ALICE Technical Coordination06 March 2015
André Augustinus Netgear redundancy Secondary uplinks to be cabled up (8 short Ethernet cables) MUX power supplies being prepared by Spie Status: TOF: HW installed, some recabling to be done SDD: HW installed, operational in non-redundant way EMC/FMD: switches installed, mux to be installed, recabling to be done V0/AD: to be installed ALICE Technical Coordination06 March 2015
André Augustinus Other cavern items High priority (=before closure) Cable up hardware interlock for PHOS and CPV (new LV PS) Recommission water leak detection Medium priority Install additional webcams Integration rack monitoring C33,C34 Low priority Junction boxes for ‘multipurpose’ cables Labels on rack power circuit breakers ALICE Technical Coordination06 March 2015
André Augustinus Cooling CRs Install drainage in CR4 Check CR2 racks Heat exchangers CR4 Most of them changed, When possible moved to bottom Several difficult to access Close CR4 racks as much as possible (doors, panels) ALICE Technical Coordination06 March 2015
André Augustinus Other CR and surface items Recommission CR waterleak detection Recommission/extend CR3 rack temperature monitoring Finalize & commission CR2 rack temperature monitoring Connect hardware signals from new UPSes ALICE Technical Coordination06 March 2015
André Augustinus Other CR and surface items Refurbish small room in CR3 (furniture, closure) Clean out the storage room in front of CR3, Atelier/on buffer zone/in front of office Inventory of connectors etc. Clean up “Revol”, update cable inventory Inventory of other items (rack/cooling/power/…) Preparation SXL2 cleanroom and around (network, power, environment monitoring) ALICE Technical Coordination06 March 2015
André Augustinus Water cooled Wiener PS 3 incidents (2 recent, 1 ‘early days’); rupture of elbow tube pieces, leading to major water leaks ~220 units in ALICE are concerned Micro cracks identified on ~all samples (all experiments) Low risk, but major impact e.g. rupture in a TRD rack could wipe out 10 supplies in one go Collateral damage probably limited (only I and O, no detectors or electronics below) Coordination effort by PH-ESE ALICE Technical Coordination06 March 2015
André Augustinus Water cooled Wiener PS Several scenarios: ‘roulement’ using spares (a la turbines) during TS: will not really work for us, too many different types (>20) with only limited spares. Will take very long. Bulk repair during long TS (xmas) Wait LS2 ALICE Technical Coordination06 March 2015
André Augustinus Water cooled Wiener PS Repair options: Replace all water circuit with inox tubing Straight sections only show longitudinal cracks and have thicker walls, no real risk of rupture. Elbow sections show perpendicular cracks, thinner walls. risk of rupture. Suggestion to exchange only elbow, connector and safety valve. Cheaper, less risky intervention (will not have to touch LV part). Organization, logistics At wiener, when carefully planned ~2-3 weeks round trip (>1000 euros for full refurbishment) At CERN, ~300 euros material. CERN (FSU) technicians trained by Wiener. Will need local test setup (hydraulic and electric) ALICE Technical Coordination06 March 2015
André Augustinus ALICE Technical Coordination06 March 2015