United States Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management Winnemucca District Draft Resource Management Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement.


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Presentation transcript:

United States Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management Winnemucca District Draft Resource Management Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement July

The Winnemucca District Planning area encompasses 11.2 million acres. 2 Currently the district operates under:  MFPs approved in 1982  Amended in 1999 to address issues of retention, acquisition and disposal of public lands. SONOMA- GERLACH Management Framework Plan (MFP) PARADISE-DENIO MFP 3) Black Rock Desert – High Rock Canyon Emigrant Trails National Conservation Area Resource Management Plan (2004) Planning Area BLM administers 75% (8.4 million acres).

The Winnemucca District Decision Area: 3 Decision Area  7.3 million acres  Excludes the Black Rock Desert-High Rock Canyon Emigrant Trails National Conservation Area.  Excludes private, tribal and federal lands not falling under BLM’s jurisdiction. This Decision Area will be governed by the Resource Management Plan.

Why develop a Resource Management Plan (RMP)? 4 Changes since approval of 1982 MFPs and 1999 amendment: Wind Energy Development Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement and Associated Land Use Plan Amendments (2006) Final Vegetation Treatments Using Herbicides Programmatic EIS for the Western United States (2007) Record of Decision and Resource Management Plan Amendments for Geothermal Leasing in the Western United States (2008) Designation of Energy Corridors on Federal Lands in the 11 Western States (2009) Local change: Acquisition of approximately 12,000 acres near Gerlach, NV through the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act of 1998 (SNPLMA) (2008) Responsibilities of Federal Agencies to Protect Migratory Birds (2001) Environmental Justice (1994) Healthy Forest Restoration Act (2003) Magnuson-Stevens Act Provision: Essential Fish Habitat (2002) The Clean Air Act amendments (1990) Legislative: Programmatic EISs:

Development of the RMP : Publish Notice of Intent (NOI) in Federal Register March 25, 2005 Notice of Intent published in Federal Register Development of Planning Issues and Criteria March 25, 2005 to May 24, 2005 Public scoping period Open houses in early May of 2005 invited the public to voice their opinions and concerns on planning issues and the proposed planning criteria. May 2005 to June 2005 Winnemucca District resource staff specialists, in consideration of public comments, develop a list of planning issues and criteria. Develop and Assess Alternatives June 2005 through December

Draft RMP /EIS, Internal Review, Preferred Alternative Selection January through February 2008 February 2008 through March 2010 Nevada State Office Review, Washington Office Review and Solicitors’ Review Publish, Print and Distribute Draft RMP/EIS for public comment period February 2010 through June 2010 Public Comment Period  J une 25 through September 25,

Key Issues Identified During Scoping: 7  Access/Transportation  Recreation  Lands with Wilderness Characteristics  Visual Resources  Fire Management  Land Tenure  Minerals  Range Management  Wild Horses and Burros  Wildlife/Special Status Species Some of the issues identified during the public scoping period include: How will these issues be addressed in the RMP?

Development of Alternatives: Five alternatives based on issues identified during public scoping: 8

Alt. Priority 1 Habitat Priority 2 Habitat A 0% B 10% C 18%12% D 9%18% 9 Key Issue Resolution through Alternatives: PRIORITY HABITAT

The Winnemucca District Office would like to thank the following Cooperating Agencies for their participation in the development of alternatives considered in the RMP: A special note of appreciation should also be given to the Resource Advisory Council subgroup and those members of the public that participated in the development of the RMP/EIS.  Bureau of Reclamation  US Fish and Wildlife Service  Nevada Department of Wildlife  Nevada Department of Agriculture  Humboldt County  Washoe County  Pershing County  N-2 Grazing Board  City of Winnemucca 10

Next Steps: 11 Contacts : Gene SeidlitzBob Edwards Winnemucca District ManagerRMP Team Lead July –September 2010 Accept comments and hold public meetings on draft document August 2011 Publish Proposed RMP/Final EIS August 2011 Governor’s Consistency Review and Protest Period March 2012 Publish Final RMP and ROD