I. What Is Human Life?
Gn.2:7 The beginning (living soul) Same word: Gn.1:20, 24 Mt.10:28, different use of soul The end, Gn.3:19 (Ec.12:7)
In between: man lives God infuses man’s spirit into his body – Zec.12:1 Death occurs when spirit leaves the body – Ja.2:26 Life: state that exists while spirit & body are together BeginningEndIn between
I. What Is Human Life? II. At Death, Where Does The Spirit Go?
1. Not to nothing Gn.15:15... Gn.25:8 1. It happened at his death 2. Body was not taken to Ur 3. Must refer to soul: went to Sheol 4. Impossible w/o immortal soul Hb.12:23 Saints in glory (2:10) Made perfect (Ph.3:12) Saints in glory (2:10) Made perfect (Ph.3:12)
1. Not to nothing 2. Not to the grave Body goes to the grave Spirit and body are separated Ac.9:39-40 2 Co.5:1 Life is real! Life is earnest! And the grave is not its goal Dust thou art, to dust returnest Was not spoken of the soul
1. Not to nothing 2. Not to the grave 3. Not to Purgatory Roman Catholic superstition: people who die guilty of certain sins must be purged before going to heaven
1. Not to nothing 2. Not to the grave 3. Not to Purgatory 4. Not directly to heaven or hell All agree: OT spirits went to Sheol In so doing, they went to God Ph.1:23 Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, And the spirit will return to God who gave it –Ec.12:7
Sheol 65 times in OT Jesus alone fulfilled it, Ac.2:31-35 Spirit and body reunited before decay Ps.16:10, Sheol Ac.2:27, Hades
Hades Lk.16:19-31, glimpse behind veil 1 Disembodied spirits: long before Resurrection 2 Moses’ law (29-31): long before Judgment
Lk.23:43, paradise (Figures accommodate our understanding) Paradise Paradise (Persian): king’s garden. Lk.16; Ac.2:26, Hades Paradise Paradise (Persian): king’s garden. Lk.16; Ac.2:26, Hades Hades Hades (Greek): god of lower regions. OT: Sheol. Mt.11:23-24 Hades Hades (Greek): god of lower regions. OT: Sheol. Mt.11:23-24 Hell Hell (Jewish): valley of Hinnom. 2 Chr.28:3; 33:6. Je.7:31-34 Hell Hell (Jewish): valley of Hinnom. 2 Chr.28:3; 33:6. Je.7:31-34 Abraham’s bosom Abraham’s bosom (Jewish): host. Lk.16:22; Jn.1:18; 13:23; Mt.8:11-12 Abraham’s bosom Abraham’s bosom (Jewish): host. Lk.16:22; Jn.1:18; 13:23; Mt.8:11-12
I. What Is Human Life? III. If God Knows Destinies, Why The Judgment? II. At Death, Where Does The Spirit Go?
Distinguish between trial & sentence God does not need to hold court to determine our guilt or innocence Our destiny is sealed at death Lk.16; 2 Co.5:10 Our destiny is sealed at death Lk.16; 2 Co.5:10 Judgment: hands down sentence
Mt.25:31-46 Universal judgment: all nations Eternal reward: heaven Eternal punishment: hell All nations (sheep, goats, saved and lost people) Mt.25:32-40, 46b Life: w. God Mt.25:41-46a Punishment: w. satan
I. What Is Human Life? II. At Death, Where Does The Spirit Go? IV. Why Does Christ Come? III. If God Knows Destinies, Why The Judgment?
Jesus is coming to... Glorify God, 1 Co.15:24-28 Glorify bodies, 1 Co.15:42-44 Give immortality, 1 Co.15:50-57 How to defeat death? Same “it” is sown…raised Corruptible…incorruption
Coming to terms... Mortality: something that is subject to death Corruptible: something that is subject to decay Spirit: neither mortal nor corruptible. 1 Co.15 = resurrection of the body. Spirit: neither mortal nor corruptible. 1 Co.15 = resurrection of the body.
Reasons to avoid hell Fire Darkness Weeping Memory