English Language Arts 20-2 Introduction Instructor: Mrs. Burr
Attendance Key Parent Address – be sure it’s working and remind them to check s daily guidelines – please use proper etiquette Assignment folder – correctly label assignments (with name) and submit to the correct folder Create word or ppt documents. Do NOT create wsp files. No Microsoft Word? Download OpenOffice.org – Extensions – ask in advance Unit Exams – have your key parent to request the password Home Page Announcements – updated weekly Final Exams - onsite
How does online ELA work? Combination of: –Lessons - assignments –Tutorials Attendance –Forum Board Discussions –Quizzes and Exams And now for a closer look…
Lessons – assignments Lessons are posted in Moodle. Be sure to print them out one unit at a time. Unit One, Theory – there are no assignments only lessons with self checks. Most lessons contain an assignment at the end – but a few are just “theory”. Read carefully. You may work ahead. If you work ahead, only work one lesson ahead. Lessons are subject to change. Assignments and exams are due at midnight on due date. Sooner is always appreciated!
Assignment Folder All ELA assignments are submitted using the Assignment folder (dropbox). If you are having troubles attaching, delete any spaces in the title of the file. Label all of your assignments files as directed in the lesson. It is VERY important that your surname is part of the file name.
My Stuff My Locker Use this feature if you tend to work on more than one computer, or if you share a computer.
Tutorials Tutorials are held once a week How are tutorials marked? –5% of your final course mark is from tutorial attendance and discussion forum participation. –If you miss a tutorial session, for ANY reason, view the archived tutorial file and submit a 3-5 sentence summary within one week of the presentation.
Quizzes and Exams Most units end with an exam, either on-line or ed to your key parent. None of the unit exams is open book. Parental supervision is required for all quizzes and exams. Quizzes and exams are open for the entire 24-hour day, in an effort to accommodate working students and parents, but I can only guarantee my help on any problems that occur during regular school hours.
Course Organization - thematic Theory (poetry, short story, non-fiction, essay- writing, visuals, job skills, persuasive writing) Passions (“The Monsters are Due on Maple Street”) Choices (October Sky) Significant Experiences (Forbidden City) genre studied – poetry, short story, non-fiction, visuals, modern drama, feature film, novel thematic organization aids in making connections from one piece of literature to another – a necessary skill for the final exam, but also in the “real world”
Need help??? If you need help, send a detailed that has the word “question” or ? symbol in the subject line along with the course title (eg. ELA 20-2 ?) Be specific – on what lesson are you working and where are you stuck. Do NOT wait until an assignment is due, and then submit it saying, “I don’t get it.” Ask for help as the problem arises. I will be happy to assist you! Online Etiquette
Bookmark Links Rocky View Learning Connection Moodle Login Webmail Login Login?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&co ntinue=http%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fa %2Frvschools.ab.ca%2F&bsv=llya694le36z<m pl=default<mplcache=2&from=login
A few more tips! :-) Report “broken” links Check announcements, calendar, and daily. Keep your key parents informed. Read lessons carefully BEFORE ing a question. If you miss a tutorial, review it – your question will likely have been answered during a missed session.
Your turn…. Any questions? Share one interesting fact about yourself.