Latin Review Phrases and Root Words
Ab ovo usque ad mala Literal meaning: from eggs to apples Common meaning: from the beginning to the end Etymology: Roman dinners usually included many courses beginning with boiled eggs and ending with fruit.
Ab initio Literal and common meaning: the beginning from initial meaning the beginning
Ad hominem Literal meaning: to the man Common meaning: personal Etymology: Instead of focusing on issues, politicians in ancient Rome often made personal attacks on their rivals during speeches.
Ad hoc Literal meaning: to this Common meaning: for this
Ad infinitum Literal meaning: to the infinite Common meaning: endlessly Etymology: in-without + finis-end
Ad nauseam Literal meaning: to seasickness Common meaning: to the point of disgust
Ad libitum Literal meaning: at pleasure Common meaning: without preparation
Alibi Literal meaning: at elsewhere Common meaning: defense of being elsewhere when a crime was committed Etymology: alius, “other” + ibi, “there, in that place
Alma Mater Literal meaning: Nourishing mother Common meaning: school or college attended Etymology: Alma Mater is a title the Romans gave to schools because they were to nurture students with food and thought.
Latin Root Words Sonus Video Verbum Nomen Pro
Sonus Sound
Video - Visum See
Verbum Word
Nomen Name
Pro For or before
Prae Before