Obeying the Law of Conservation of Matter Balancing Chemical Equations
What are differences between subscripts and coefficients? SubscriptsCoefficients go below and after the element go in front of the whole compound tell you how many atoms of that element tell you how many of the whole compound are used to balance the charges of a compound are used to balance the whole equation
What might you see to tell you a chemical reaction has happened? Color Change Bubbles Opacity change (becomes foggy – precipitate forms)
What is happening to the bonds in a chemical reaction? Some bonds are being broken, and new bonds are being formed. (Atoms are changing what they are connected to.)
1. Use coefficients to balance the following reaction: ___F 2 + ___H 2 O ___HF + ___O 2 __2_F 2 + __2_H 2 O _4_HF + ___O 2
2. Use coefficients to balance the following reaction: ___Ca 3 P 2 + ___H 2 O ___PH 3 + ___Ca(OH) 2 ___Ca 3 P 2 + _6__H 2 O __2_PH 3 + __3_Ca(OH) 2
3. Use coefficients to balance the following reaction: ___Na 2 O + ___H 2 O ___NaOH ___Na 2 O + ___H 2 O _2__NaOH
4. Use coefficients to balance the following reaction: __Na 2 CO 3 + __HNO 3 __H 2 O + __CO 2 + __NaNO 3 __Na 2 CO 3 + _2_HNO 3 __H 2 O + __CO 2 + _2_NaNO 3
5. Use coefficients to balance the following reaction: __IBr + __NH 3 __NI 3 + __NH 4 Br _3_IBr + _4_NH 3 __NI 3 + _3_NH 4 Br
6. Use coefficients to balance the following reaction: ___ NaBr +___ Ca(OH) 2 ___ CaBr 2 + ___ NaOH _2_ NaBr +__ Ca(OH) 2 __ CaBr 2 + _2_ NaOH
7. Use coefficients to balance the following reaction: ___ P + ___ O 2 ___ P 4 O 10 _4_ P + __5_ O 2 ___ P 4 O 10
8. Use coefficients to balance the following reaction: __Fe(OH) 3 + __ H 2 SO 4 __ Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + __H 2 O 2_Fe(OH) 3 + _3_ H 2 SO 4 __ Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + _6_H 2 O
9. Use coefficients to balance the following reaction: ___ Cu(OH) 2 ___ CuO+ ___ H 2 O ___ Cu(OH) 2 ___ CuO+ ___ H 2 O (already balanced)
10. Use coefficients to balance the following reaction: ___ Al 2 O 3 + heat ___ O 2 + ___ Al __2_ Al 2 O 3 + heat __3_ O 2 + _4_ Al