Broad-scale component of RUSALCA: Looking Ahead
Looking Ahead workingcirculationscheme
Bering Strait connection
Looking Ahead TS-diagram Herald Canyon 2009 Summer Water Atlantic Water Melt Water Remnant water water Winter water Alaskan Coastal Water or super-heated Anadyr Water? Need a mooring in the western side of Bering Strait
Looking Ahead East Siberian Sea connection
Looking Ahead Polynya water pathways
Looking Ahead Polynya water pathways Role of exchange through Long Strait
Looking Ahead Polynya water pathways Role of exchange through Long Strait Winter water formation in the ESS
Looking Ahead Eastern/western Chukchi Sea connection
Looking Ahead Eastward diversion of water on the shelf
Looking Ahead Eastward diversion of water on the shelf Continuity of shelfbreak jet
Looking Ahead Eastward diversion of water on the shelf Continuity of shelfbreak jet Origin/fate of Siberian Coastal Current
Looking Ahead Shelf/Basinconnection
Temperature (color) overlain by density (contours) Alongstream velocity (contours) X
Looking Ahead Shelf/Basinconnection Atlantic Water Pacific Water
Looking Ahead 2008 Swedish/Russian expedition Temperature (color) overlain by density (contours)
Broad-scale component of RUSALCA: Considerations for future sampling
Considerations for future sampling Surveys
Considerations for future sampling
Considerations for 2012 sampling
DBO Line