Megan Daurer Audience: - Elementary School Children Third to Sixth Grade General Education Classes Environment Individual Work Computer Computer lab or classroom with other students working on computers Objectives Given the information on the slides, students will be able to identify the Hawaiian islands with 100% accuracy. Given the background information about Hawaii on the slides, students will be able to answer the quiz questions with 100% accuracy. Given the correct names of the 8 mainland islands, students will be able to recognize the name and location of each correctly. Image: Start button: Megan Daurer
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Hawaiian Islands Do you remember??? The Capital of Hawaii? - Do you remember??? The Capital of Hawaii? Where the state of Hawaii is located? The names of the Hawaiian main islands?
Learn the Hawaiian Main Islands Learn Facts about the state of Hawaii Menu Slide What you will learn from this: The main islands that make up Hawaii and their names. Facts about the state of Hawaii. Learn the Hawaiian Main Islands Learn Facts about the state of Hawaii Click on one to begin:
Click on any island to learn the name! Hawaiian Main Islands Click on any island to learn the name! When you are ready for the quiz click on the quiz button!
Hawaii Huh-wahy-ee
Maui Mou-ee
Oahu Uh-wah’-hoo
Lanai Luh-nie’-ee
Molokai Moe-luh-kie
Kauai Kah-oo-ah-ee
Niihau Nee-hah-u
Kahoolawe Kuh-oo-lah-wie
MAP QUIZ Aloha! Click on an island and choose the correct answer. If at anytime you would like to quit, click the button: START QUIZ
Click after completed map quiz Click on an island and answer correctly Click after completed map quiz
Congratulations! You have completed the Map Quiz (If you scored lower than a 6, please review the islands again and re-take the quiz.) Review Map
Which Island is this? Nihhau Lanai Hawaii
Click the button below to continue: That’s Right! Click the button below to continue: NEXT
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Niihau Maui Oahu BACK
Kahoolawe Molokai Oahu
Try Again! BACK
Kahoolawe Lanai Maui
Try Again! BACK
Niihua Oahu Molokai
Try Again! BACK
Kauai Niihua Lanai BACK
Maui Niihau Molokai
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Kahoolawe Kauai Maui
Try Again! BACK
Facts about Hawaii: Lets Begin! Get ready to learn a few interesting facts on the state of Hawaii! Be sure to pay close attention, there will be a short quiz following the information. Lets Begin!
The state of Hawaii is also referred to as the “Aloha State,” the capital of Hawaii is Honolulu and it is surrounded by the body of water, the Pacific Ocean. Or Map: Hawaii: Facts, Map and State Symbols - (n.d.). ENCHANTED LEARNING HOME PAGE. Retrieved April 12, 2013, from
State Flag The Eight stripes of white, red, and blue to represent the eight main islands of Hawaii. The Union Jack (Great Britain flag) is in the upper left corner, in honor of Hawaii’s long relationship with Great Britain. Hawaii: Facts, Map and State Symbols - (n.d.). ENCHANTED LEARNING HOME PAGE. Retrieved April 12, 2013, from
Hawaii Fast Facts Video: Hawaii - Fast Facts (Geography, Cities, History and More) - YouTube. (n.d.). YouTube. Retrieved April 12, 2013, from
Hawaiian Facts Quiz Aloha! Do you think you have what it takes to answer all 5 questions correctly? Click continue to find out! If you need to quit, click this button: Go image: Palm tree image:
1. How many stripes are on the State flag? 8 9 7
Wrong! Pay close attention to the meaning of the stripes and think about it for a moment, then try again.
Correct! Yes! Hawaii’s state flag has 8 stripes. Each of the stripes represents the 8 main islands Hawaii is broken up into.
2. True or false, Hawaii is made up of 5 Counties and is made up of 6 Polynesian islands.
Think about what the video said and try again.
Correct! Hawaii does have 5 counties and is made up of 6 Polynesian islands.
3. What is the state capital of Hawaii? Lanai Kauai Honolulu
SORRY! Sorry, that is not right, please try again.
That’s right! The capital of Hawaii is Honolulu.
4. True or false, Hawaii is located in the Atlantic Ocean, nearly 2,000 miles from the Continental United States. True False
OOPS! Think about what body of water that surrounds the islands. and
NICE JOB! Hawaii is nearly 2,000 miles from the Continental United States, and IS located in the Pacific Ocean.
Tropical Tropical Rainforest Ocean All the above None of the above 5. Hawaii has what kind of ecosystem(s)? Tropical Tropical Rainforest Ocean All the above None of the above
Wrong! Please try again, and think about the climate compared to the other states.
Correct! Hawaii has a tropical ecosystem unlike any other state.
Congratulations! You have completed the quiz successfully! If you did not answer all 5 questions correctly, please go back to review the material and re-take the quiz.
The END Works cited Hawaii: Facts, Map and State Symbols - (n.d.). ENCHANTED LEARNING HOME PAGE. Retrieved April 12, 2013, from Hawaii - Fast Facts (Geography, Cities, History and More) - YouTube. (n.d.). YouTube. Retrieved April 12, 2013, from