What Is A Mineral? A naturally occurring inorganic solid Formed by natural processes Not life processes Definite chemical composition Element or compounds Orderly arrangement of atoms Crystalline solids Pattern repeated over and over again
Crystal A solid in which the atoms are arranged in orderly, repeating patterns Magma Crystal size depends on rate of cooling Solution Evaporation Hydrothermal deposit Recrystalization
Mineraloid Naturally occurring, inorganic sold with characteristic chemical composition Does NOT have crystalline structure
Silicates Most common rock forming minerals Contain Si and O Most abundant in the crust Form from silicon-oxygen tetrahedra
Carbonates Second most common mineral group Contain carbonate polyatomic ion and a metal ion (or two) Example: calcite Often used in construction
Oxides Contain oxygen and one or more other element (often metal) Example: rutile (TiO 2 ) Example: corundum (Al 2 O 3 ) LINKLINK May be ores
Sulfates and Sulfides Contain the sulfate ion (SO 4 -2 ) or sulfide (S -2 ) Common in hydrothermal or evaporite deposits Example: gypsum (CaSO 4 * 2H 2 O) Example: sphalerite (ZnS)
Halides Contain a halogen (group 17) ion and at least one other element Often evaporites Example: Halite (NaCl) Example: Fluorite (CaF 2 )
Native elements Elements found in pure form (or nearly pure) Often from hydrothermal deposits Example: Native copper