social systems
Social system - Social systems and digital/online worlds 1 Social systems sciences is a loose term for engineered environments which, if successful, attract users to participate. The advent of computers and the internet has enabled new types of social systems to take form.
Social system - Social systems and digital/online worlds 1 All social systems have commonalities. One is that they become more fun and interesting as more people play and participate. Another is that with each iteration, or version, very quickly the population or interest reaches a plateau.
Social systems 1 The first who formulated a systematic theory of social systems was Talcott Parsons where it was a part of his AGIL paradigm yet the social system is only a segment (or a subsystem) of what Parsons calls Action theory (sociology)|action theory;Parsons, Talcott
Social systems 1 Jay Wright Forrester describes three counterintuitive behaviours as important: causes from symptoms are often far removed in time and space, identifying leverage points, conflicting short and long- term consequences.Forrester, Jay Counterintuitive behavior of social systems. Chapter VI. Technology Review '73'(3): 52–68
Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, and the Economic World 1 'Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, and the Economic World' (ISBN ) is a 1994 book by Kevin Kelly (editor)|Kevin Kelly. (The book was also published as Out of control: the rise of neo-biological civilization.) Major themes in Out of Control are cybernetics, emergence, self-organization, complex systems and chaos theory and it can be seen as a work of techno-utopianism.
For More Information, Visit: m/the-social-systems- toolkit.html m/the-social-systems- toolkit.html The Art of Service