I decided to live my life with purpose and to ……
Work in my passion as a papermaker
Because Creating is the breath of my soul and the Touch of my heart
Educate and Empower people to use The ressources they have to Solve their own problems and find Their way to the realization of their dream
To be this teacher who shows you where to look but do not tell you … what to see
To live the laptop lifestyle
carry on my need of Beeing in the mountains
To make my dreams come true
Take care of your Body. It’s the only Place you have to live Jim rohn live for a long time in vibrant health
To feel lazy whenever I want to… …
I want to live my last day knowing that I have done something in my life through love and that I have lived with purpose. As I don’t know when my last day will be this is HOW I will live my NOW helping others to do The same Because Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery and Today is a GIFT this is why they call it… PRESENT Elisabeth