What is Plagarism? ‘to take the thoughts, writings or inventions of another [person] and use as your own thoughts or writings.’ Oxford English dictionary Plagarism is illegal and dishonest.
What can I do to avoid Plagarism? Take notes in dot points rather than copying whole sentences and paragraphs Write in your own words Only use words that you know the meanings of (use a dictionary) Reference / cite your sources of information if you are using a direct quotation (somebody else’s words) or a diagram or photo from the internet Eg. Country Fire Authority Title of website. Website address = URL. Date viewed.
What happens if a teacher thinks that your written work is not created by you? If your teacher thinks that the work is not your original work then the writing can be copied into the google search engine and the original website can be located to prove that the words are not yours Next year or in the future when you are at University, every piece of work that you submit will be checked via sophisticated software to check for Plagarism! If the work is not your original work, then you will not pass the subject.
Here is an example of plagiarised work. This is taken from a student’s assignment which he claimed was his own work! “Imperialist desires had the adverse effect of stimulating arms races between the major powers in Europe at the time (late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries). Germany, wishing to challenge Britain for dominance of the oceans, began a comprehensive program of naval arms building. Britain responded by ramping up its own naval funding in order to counter the threat Germany potentially posed to its overseas investments. These arms races were affected by the new military/industrial complex that had formed in the nineteenth century and would result in the first wide-scale industrial war.” The teacher copied the phrase into google and found the original website to prove that the words were exactly the same. This is plagiarism.
Tips for note-taking Go to Brunswick Secondary College home page Click on the Library tab. Click on the Research tab for helpful templates to support you with your research. Click on the Data research chart document Click on the Electronic note-taking document
Data research chart Questions Resources used Topic _______________________________ Name _____________________
Data research chart Questions Resources used How can I avoid plagiarism? Ways to avoid plagiarism. plagarism.com 2015 Select keywords Omit “the”, “and” and other unimportant words Use dot points Write in your own words Cite references Write something new and original Topic: _____Plagarism_________________ Name_________
Electronic note-taking Questions Key words Topics Sources Original information (Paste here information that you have gathered. Include the URL of the website) My own words (Use dot points or paragraphs to summarise the information that you need to answer your questions) Electronic note-taking (Helping to take notes from the internet)
Electronic note-taking Questions Key words Topics Sources Original information (Paste here information that you have gathered. Include the URL of the website) My own words (Use dot points or paragraphs to summarise the information that you need to answer your questions) What is plagarism? What is plagiarism? 101/what-is-plagiarism 2015 In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward. stealing of writing, photos, etc. Fraud / theft lying Electronic note-taking (Helping to take notes from the internet)