Introduction to the Study of Sociology
???? What is sociology and why is it important and beneficial? What is the difference b/w sociology and psychology? Making the familiar strange; questioning what is often presumed to be the natural order of things. I.e.: What is something that most Americans do that you find strange? What is a gender norm here in America that newcomers may find strange?
What is free will? What is the American Dream? -How is the concept of free will connected to the American Dream? --Are there factors that could be taken into account in questionsing the existence of the American dream? -These questions and concepts are at the center of many political and social debates…
Agency vs. Structure What determines an individuals behavior? Agency-making individual choices based on free-will Structure (sociological)-cultural and structural influences operate in the decision making process How society is organized Society is patterned
1-5 Developing a Sociological Consciousness Sociology: scientific study of social interactions, social organization, and the connection between individuals and society - Rigorous and systematic - Powerful scientific tool Why is sociology considered a soft science?
Thinking Like a Sociologist… The Sociological Imagination C. Wright Mills The sociological imagination helps us to understand how the social structure affects our lives and the lives of others Private troubles Public issues
Feminist Theories Feminist theories explain the social, economic, and political position of women and men in society. Focus is on gender issues Maintain that (primarily) women suffer injustice because of their sex/gender. Seeks to free women (and men) from traditionally oppressive/limiting expectations and constraints. Looks at the complex intersection between one’s gender and other socially constructed categories of difference