1/19-1/23 MonTuesWednesdayThursFriday DUEParagraphVocab Due CWNo School 1)Vocab 15 2)Alice 1)Writing Instruction 2)Essay Writing Essay Writing1)Vocab Quiz 2)Essay HW1) Vocab 2) Check your Understanding Complete Essay Once you have finished filling in your planner, switch paragraphs with the person next to you, and read through your peer’s paper. Just make a overall comment about the strength of the paragraph and one weakness that could be better. Today you will need your vocabulary collection, paragraph, journal and writing utensil.
Vocabulary 15 Dys: bad, ill, difficult Dysphoria (n) Dysphasia (n) Dyslogistic (adj) Dysfunction (n) Dyspepsia (n) Eu: good, well, advantageous Eugenics (n) Euphonious (adj) Euphoria (n) Euthenics (n) Euthanasia (n)
2.22: During “Reading” You have viewed an entire Burton film, and scenes from a second. You will now view another Burton film- Alice in Wonderland- and work individually to identify film techniques and their effects. Create a double entry chart in your journal: Film techniques and Effect.
HW: Check your Understanding After viewing the film, what similarities in style and theme did you notice in relation to the other Burton films? Record your ideas in your journal. Write an analytical claim that identifies a significant style that Burton has in all 3 films. List 1 piece of evidence from each of the 3 films.