It Just Takes One: Closing the Gift
Should You Be Here? Personally Invested Thinks BGC does good work Thinks that BGC makes a difference Wants BGC to reach more kids
continued… Know anyone who… –Wants to make a difference –Cares about kids –Wants the world to be a better place –Likes a good “return” on their investments
continued… Know anyone who… –Can invest $3 a day in a fantastic opportunity
Fantastic Volunteers Care about kids Know that BGC makes a difference Invest their financial resources Know at least one person who can invest $3 or more per day
Campaign Principles
Effective Fundraising 1.Personal face-to-face solicitation is most efficient and effective form of fundraising 2.100% Board participation is essential 3.Each prospect should be asked to consider giving a specific amount 4.Volunteers are effective if properly trained, supported, and thanked
continued… 5.Challenge gifts are effective 6.The “case for support” must be presented clearly and concisely 7.Donor recognition and stewardship are important parts of the fundraising process 8.Individual donors are the greatest source of funds
Ineffective Fundraising 1.Rely on events, direct mail, word of mouth, and marketing 2.Your case is you “need” money 3.No specific goals to either donors or Club 4.“HOPE” without action 5.STAFF will do everything
continued… 6.“People are going to do what they are going to do” regardless of how they are solicited 7.Excuses: “bad economy” or geography (“we are in a rural area”)
Importance of Personal Solicitation
Results? 500,000 saw a TV ad 100,000 heard a radio ad 50,000 saw a newspaper ad 25,000 got a letter in the mail Each of us asked 5 people to invest $3 a day ($1,000/yr) in the BGC
Greatest Reason They are not asked by someone they trust.
Campaigns Fail Not for a lack of money Not for a lack of people willing to give But for a lack of people who care enough about the mission of the campaign to ask others to do what they have already done… Give!
Presenting Opportunities
Obstacles to Asking Don’t like to “beg” Fear
Begging vs. Asking “We need $” vs. “Your $ will produce results” “We need to pay our bills” vs. “You can help change the life of a child”
continued… “You don’t think you can give anything, do you?” vs. “I know you will want to give all you can to help our kids” “We need anything you can spare” vs. “I’ve personally invested $10,000 for this year and I would like you to consider doing the same”
Begging vs. Philanthropy Begging Asks for what they can spare Presents a hopeless or helpless cause Creates no expectation of ROI Focuses on Club’s needs Philanthropy Asks for a specific considered amount Presents a solution to a problem Expects a ROI Helps the donor satisfy a need
Twelve Easy Steps
1. Make Your Own Gift It is too hard to ask someone else to do something you are not willing to do It shows you are committed It will make you a much better solicitor
2. Think About the Kids Don’t think about the “money” Think about the kids, their future, and the impact they have on our community
3. Choose “Good Prospects” You know you can get a meeting You know they have a connection to the Club You will feel comfortable asking to do what you have done Take a little advice from Ben Franklin…
4. Call to Meet in Person
5. Prepare for Meeting Assemble Your Materials – Case Brochure –Letter with “ask amount” –Pledge Card Review the Case 2 nd person Outline presentation Let staff know
6. Talk about the Kids In other words, know the case and present it Remember, the ROI we get from dollars spent at BGC
7. Share Your Commitment Tell the prospective investor about why you choose to invest in the Club this year
8. “Consider” “Will you consider giving $____ to support the BGC of ____ this year?” “Will you consider joining me in giving $_____ to the BGC of ___ this year? “Will you consider becoming a member of the Jeremiah Milbank Society?”
9. Be Quiet
10. Answer Questions
11. Follow Up Schedule a “next step” Take “next step” Get signed pledge card Report to Club staff Your job is not done until the pledge card is signed and delivered to Club
12. Express Gratitude Personal Club
Practice “Actually, I am not interested in supporting the Club” “That’s too much money” “I cannot give you an answer until I speak with my spouse”
Thank You