“ Faculty Promotions in the 21 st Century” UW ADVANCE Winter Quarterly Leadership Workshop February 25, 2015
AGENDA 10:30 – 10:40 Introductions and Welcome 10:40 – 11:30Panel Speaker and Q&A 11:30 – 12:30Small Group Activity 12:30 – 12:35Conclusion and Evaluations 12:35 – 1:00Networking Lunch
Speakers David Domke - Professor & Chair, Communication Alain Gowing – Professor & Chair, Classics
David Domke Department of Communication University of Washington ADVANCE Workshop February 25, 2015 Promotion and Tenure: Some Thoughts D. Domke
1. Create a schedule Timeline of key items Committee selection Personal statement creation Materials to committee External letter requests Committee completion Full faculty evaluation Value: Transparency Value: Keeps chair organized Value: Institutionalizes process D. Domke
2. Be ahead of the curve Do/request things earlier than needed Candidate materials Committee completions External letter solicitations and requests Full faculty evaluations Chair letters to Deans Value: A rushed schedule is a disaster Value: Helps Chair guide rather than respond Value: Shows candidate s/he is priority D. Domke
3. Draw clear boundaries Candidates, Faculty, Chairs do distinct things Make sure everyone knows who “owns” what Use each to guide each Don’t do work that isn’t yours Value: People need to make and live with choices Value: Chair over-functioning is exhausting Value: Faculty code is your ally D. Domke
Promotion and Tenure Alain Gowing Department of Classics
The Beginning (from Hire to Year 1) Hire with an eye toward tenurability: – Research potential – Teaching (new classes/innovations and current curriculum?) – Potential for service (including perhaps becoming chair?) – Collegiality Meet early in AQ of Y1 with new hire to discuss entire P&T process. Be clear and realistic about expectations (new hire may not be)
The Middle (Years 2-4) Annual mandated review of faculty member (fm) by senior faculty: include frank discussion/review of progress. Face-to-face report out of review to fm (not in !): be supportive and up front about any potential problems. LETTER for personnel file: Provide fm with letter detailing gist of both report out and review meeting. Make sure fm has read and understood the letter. Y2: prepare reappointment materials – tenure process ‘trial run.’ Spring (or earlier) of Y4: meet with fm, review tenure process, provide written timeline. Discuss potential referees. As chair: take responsibility for communicating with fm – this means being familiar with fm’s research (read what they publish!), teaching, and service.
The End (Years 5 and 6) Meet early in Y5 to review process, progress, and timeline. Be clear about deadlines (fm’s and yours!) By end of Y5 carefully appoint faculty committee In SQ of Y5 or over summer/Sept. of Y6: be available to review personal statement, CV, research statement, etc. Encourage review of these items; be ready to provide templates. Remember AQ of Y6 may be stressful time for fm
P&T Sounding Boards Get into groups of 4-5 Identify timekeeper for your group Each person gets 10 minutes to describe their department’s P&T process or offer a P&T issue they’d like feedback on. After putting issue on the table, specify what type of feedback wanted. Peers ask clarifying questions, reflect back, and offer feedback. Timekeeper give warning when 1 minute left. Make a contract at the end of your time to take action related to P&T and include timeframe.