Preparación Hoy es martes, el 22 de septiembre de 2015 Today is Tuesday, September 22, 2015 DUE NOW: Please take out a pencil and an eraser. Wait for your teacher to give you instructions. Write name, last name, date and period. Read carefully every question. Do not rush. Do not talk. (Raise your hand if you have a question) Do not look at your classmate. I will take away your test. Be honest!!! GOOD LUCK! BUENA SUERTE! When you are done : Give your teacher your dialogue. you may look at the maps. Make sure you have in both languages the map of Norte América/North America. Flip the page and write in both languages Centro América/ Central America. Place an arrow next to the country and write on the outside the name of the country. Then you may color the map..
Agenda Due Now: Take your exam. After finishing collect dialogue. Pass out maps: Due Now: Take your exam. After finishing collect dialogue. Pass out maps: Maps. Make sure you have in both languages the map of Norte América/North America. Flip the page and write in both languages Centro América/ Central America. Place an arrow next to the country and write on the outside the name of the country. Then you may color the map. Do other countries Listen to colors and numbers Exit Ticket Homework: bring dialogue if you haven’t yet. Review countries
Objectives/Objetivos SWBAT (students will be able to) Take Test Learn about geography of 10 of the 21 Spanish Speaking countries Map of North America Map of Central America Map of The Caribbean Map of South America Map of Spain = España Map of Africa Learn about colors
Homework for next class. Subscribe to Homework website and review lesson. Get you ipads and find capitols of countries of North, Central America and the Caribbean islands where Spanish is the official language. Learn 4 colors well.
How to subscribe to my website: Go to Rocklin AcademyGateway front page. Click Teachers/Staff Click Mrs. Billings Click Spanish Intro. Click Subscribe (parents can subscribe separate from students) See all my power points.
Exit Ticket Write the name of 2 Spanish countries of Central America 1 in North America