ITS MARY CELESTE! By: Madison Melnyk and Maddie Rommer Look at that It is Mary Celeste! By: Madison Melnyk and Maddie Rommer
How did the Mary Celeste crew dissapear?
Mary Celeste was found drifting through the bay of Gilraltar
No one knows who exactly who but definatly the crew. Some theries could show who.
Built in Launched 1961 Feb. 18 th 1972 the ship was found drifting with no crew.
No sign of crew or anyone found. The captins bed unmade and an impresstoin of a child lane thereIn the mates cabin wicth was locked,inside was a chart showing the vessels progress.
Feb. 18 th 1972 the ship was found drifting with no crew.
The crew paniced because they thought the ship was sinking so they took the lifeboats of the ship.
Pirates attaked killed the crew and kidnapped the brigs family. Later killed them.
Since the ship was carrying alcahol, it made a small explotion and killed them.
I agree with theory 2. I think that pirates attaked killed the crew and kidnapped the brigs family. Later killed them.
Did you know the Mary Celeste use to be called the Amazon
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