Adelaida Rodríguez Roselyn Gómez Nicholle Rivera Ester M. Pérez Gicela Colón
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The captain abandoned the ship. The people panicked also and abandoned the ship. They thought that the ship was going to explode because of the gases of alcohol. They thought that the ship was going to sink and entered in panic. I’m leaving
What do you think about the Mary Celeste? It is a ghost ship11 The ship is a myth6 The ship has a damned 5 The ship is a murderer 2
The group believe that everything is a myth, something that was invented to scare people who wanted to travel through this area in a boat. A ship Nooooo!!!!!!
Mary Celeste (2009). Wikipedia: The free encyclopedia. Retrieved Feb 11, 2009 from Watt, J. (1995). Mary Celeste, Fact not Fiction. Retrieved Feb 11, 2009 from Mary Celeste ( ). Everything 2. Retrieved Feb 11, 2009 from
Mary Celeste (2009). Wikipedia: The free encyclopedia. Retrieved Feb 11, 2009 from Watt, J. (1995). Mary Celeste, Fact not Fiction. Retrieved Feb 11, 2009 from Mary Celeste ( ). Everything 2. Retrieved Feb 11, 2009 from