American society is schizophrenic about adultery: ~80% “believe extramarital sex is always wrong. Two-thirds of couples (2012) lived together more than two years before marrying. In % of women cohabited, only 40% eventually marry. Cohabitation rate increased ~900% since In 2012, 7.8 million couples cohabited in U.S. 2
American society is schizophrenic about adultery: ~80% “believe extramarital sex is always wrong.” Cohabitation increasing: since mid-1990s rate has more than doubled (only 27% disapprove!). 4 in 10 new marriages in U.S. one partner previously married; 2 in 10 both previously married. 42 million adults in U.S. married more than once, tripled since In U.S. 8% of newly married have been married 3 or more times. 3
Situation affecting America’s children: 40.6% of children born are born to unwed mothers (72.2% among African-Americans). 46% of kids under 18 are living in a home with two married heterosexual parents in their first marriage (73% in 1960). 34% of children are living with an unmarried parent. 4 Yet 80% of Americans believe sexual relations with someone other than their spouse is always wrong?
God’s word not schizophrenic about adultery: “For this [adultery] is an heinous crime; yea, it is an iniquity to be punished by the judges.” Job 31:11 Despite America’s attitudes and behaviors, adultery remains a “heinous crime” ! Adultery is a crime because it is an offense against both God and man. By the age of 40, 50-65% of husbands and 45-55% of wives will engage in at least one adulterous relationship. 5
Cruelty is the intentional infliction of pain and grief to another: Heb. 13:4 Adultery produces jealousy and anger that cannot be assuaged: Prov. 6:34-35 Adultery destroys hopes and dreams and brings untold suffering to everyone involved: Eph. 5:25 7 Adultery, It’s a Crime!
The wise man said: “So he that goeth in to his neighbor’s wife; whosoever toucheth her shall not be innocent.” Prov. 6:29 Adultery causes another to sin and robs them of their virtue simply to satisfy one’s own selfish lusts: Matt. 18:6-7 Is it any wonder David said his “sin” was “ever before” him? Psa. 51:3 8 Adultery, It’s a Crime!
Adultery is a stain on one’s character: “A wound and dishonor shall he get; and his reproach shall not be wiped away.” Prov. 6:33 Why does adultery produce this result? Because adulterers “give thine honour unto others” : Prov. 5:9 Adultery brings shame on oneself, family, friends, and the church: 1 Cor. 5:1; 2 Pet. 2:2 9 Adultery, It’s a Crime!
Adultery destroys our moral qualities Flatterer and liar: Prov. 7:21; 2:16 Loud and rebellious: Prov. 7:11 Covenant breaker: Prov. 2:16 One who takes advantage: Job 31:9 One who is a “sneak”: Job 24:15 Don’t be deceived, adultery destroys! Prov. 7:26 10 Adultery, It’s a Crime!
“For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life.” Prov. 6:26 “But a companion of harlots wastes his wealth.” Prov. 29:3 Many have paid a high price! Lost family, wealth, jobs, good name, peace of mind, etc. Ultimately will lose one’s soul: Prov. 6:32 11 Adultery, It’s a Crime!
Despite the stat (recall 80%); our society condones, glorifies, encourages and ignores adultery’s destructive power. Our society is increasingly filled with more and more opportunities to commit adultery. Why resort to shameful lust when God’s way blesses us with lawful, honorable and fulfilling love? Prov. 5:15-23; Heb. 13:4 Don’t be fooled by adultery it is a “heinous crime” Prov. 6:27 12