Alliteration The repetition of the first sound of several words in a piece of literature. ~ Betsy baked buns but burned the batch badly.
Allusion A reference present in one piece of art that is found in another art work. This painting of the cast of Star Wars alludes to the famous Last Supper painting by Leonardo da Vinci
Foreshadowing A method of creating suspense by hinting about events that will occur later. Da Vinci drew the first helicopter 300 years before man made his first flight.
Metaphor A statement that makes a direct comparison between unlike objects, ideas or concepts. Life is a pencil. (Life is compared to a pencil.) Extended Metaphor: Life is a pencil; a person gets to write his own story and even erase some of the mistakes.
Simile A statement that makes a comparison between unlike objects, ideas or concepts using the words “like” or “as”. In a flash, like a camera, he disappeared. Your situation can change as quickly as a flash of a camera.
Onomatopoeia A word that is spelled like the sound it makes.
Personification A statement that gives a nonhuman object human characteristics. “The clay screamed in pain when the artist put it through the slab roller!”
Flashback A device that allows the artist to present events that happened before. Flashback techniques include memories, dreams, or stories of the past told by characters. The artist might show: Time in a unique way… here Salvador Dali portrays a clock as melting.