2008 Communication “A European Agenda for Culture in a globalizing world” Published by the European Commission May 2007 Adopted by the Culture Council Nov. 2007
2008 “A European agenda for culture” General objectives Promotion of 1.Cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue; 2.Culture as a catalyst for creativity (in framework of Lisbon Strategy for growth and jobs); 3.Culture as a vital element in the EU’s international relations.
2008 “A European Agenda for Culture” Specific objectives 1. Cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue Promotion of mobility of artists and cultural professionals circulation of all artistic expressions beyond national borders; intercultural competences and dialogue.
2008 “A European agenda for culture” Specific objectives 2. Culture as a catalyst for creativity Promotion of creativity in education capacity building in the cultural sector (managerial competences, entrepreneurship, etc.) innovative sources of funding for the cultural sector creative partnerships between the cultural sector and other sectors (ECTs, research, tourism, social partners, etc.)
2008 “A European Agenda for Culture” Specific objectives 3. Culture as a vital element in international relations Promotion of -political dialogue in the field of culture and promote cultural exchanges -market access for cultural good and services from developing countries -cultural diversity through financial and technical support.
2008 “A European Agenda for Culture” Instruments of Implementation 1.Structured Dialogue 2.Open Method of Coordination 3.Mainstreaming
2008 “Agenda for Culture”: Instruments of Implementation 1. Structured Dialogue with the cultural sector Bi-annual ‘Cultural Forum’ for regular exchange with the sector Mapping the sector Fostering the expression of representative views by individual artists and setting up an on-line virtual European Forum Further development of the ‘social dialogue’ (employers/employees) in the cultural sector Strengthening the cultural dimension of European public debates using the EC’s representations in the Member States.
2008 Agenda for Culture: Instruments of Implementation 2. The Open Method of Coordination (OMC) Intergovernmental exchange and informal standard-setting, policy advancement through peer pressure Biennial joint reports Members States associate local and regional authorities as well as national stakeholders The EC involves European stakeholders Involvement of European Parliament and Foreign Affairs Ministers
2008 “Agenda for Culture”: Instruments of implementation 3. Mainstreaming culture in all relevant policies Strengthening of the EC’s inter-service coordination Deepening of the EC’s analysis of the interface between cultural diversity and other Community policies
2008 What is the political weight of this Agenda for Culture? First strategy document for European Cultural policy Term ‘European Cultural policy’ now acceptable Ex: ‘cultural support measures’ or ‘actions in the field of culture’ Built on precedent of OMC in social, education and youth policies
2008 Agenda for Culture: Implementation What’s happening in Council so far
2008 “Agenda for Culture”: Implementation How the Structured Dialogue is unfolding European Commission proposal for Structured Dialogue around three platforms 1.Intercultural Dialogue (pre-existing) 2.Access to Culture 3.Cultural and Creative Industries Call for expression of interest, deadline 15th April 2008 Cultural Platform meetings, 4th, 5th, 6th June 2008
2008 European Commission proposal for Structured Dialogue around three platforms EFAH response (27th March 2008) Open letter to DG for Education & Culture: Concerns and suggestions “More agreement, but not one voice” “Transparent selection criteria” “Define modes of operation” “Improve financial support” “Review delivery timetable”
2008 Cultural Sector Platform meeting June EFAH concerns and suggestions taken up? 2. What promise do the meetings hold? 3. How Culture Action Europe is preparing
2008 Structured Dialogue around three platforms Open questions Effects on networks and associations? An ‘output model’ of dialogue at the expense of a ‘connectivity model’?
2008 “Don’t plan something to perfection. Do it, then fix it as you go.”