WR090 Skilled Writing through Inquiry: A Community of Scholars Examines Sustainable Food | Sustainable Agriculture Friday, Jan 18, 2013 Preposition Review Sustainability Review Socratic Dialogue
Review your Syllabus notes for 5 minutes Syllabus Quiz Preposition Homework Review Sustainability Review Intro to Socratic Dialogue Homework Due on Wednesday Jan. 23 rd Order of Business
Syllabus Quiz Take five minutes to review your syllabus, the addendum, and the portfolio guide Syllabus Quiz Syllabus Quiz correction
Preposition HW Review Prepositional phrases can act like adjectives when they modify the meaning of a noun or pronoun. Diagramming demonstration on the board
Socratic Dialogue This term we will be engaging in a special kind of discussion, one that results in a broader and deeper understanding of a difficult or controversial problem, Socratic dialogue. In Socratic dialogue, we learn multiple ways to view a problem, which in turn allows us to come up with even more ways to deal with problems. Educators and managers frequently use Socratic dialogue and similar methods for taking apart a problem, airing different views about the problem, and looking for a variety of solutions.
What does a Socratic Seminar look like? Demonstration of how to conduct a Socratic Seminar (college instructors)how to conduct a Socratic Seminar College English class deconstructs the lyrics to Mos Def’s song, “New World Water” College English class High school students demonstrate Socratic Seminar High school students Thoughts?
Class Discussion How will participating in a Socratic Seminar benefit your writing this term? 1.Help understand other people’s points of view 2.Helps people understand—discourse; there are usually rules that govern how discourse happens 3.Organized interaction 4.Everyone has an active role to play 5.Helps you learn how to talk in a group.
Socratic Dialogue Norms Reflect in writing to each question during the pre-seminar reflection period. Listen carefully to others. Stick to the question and support your position with references to the film or text. Speak clearly, one at a time, with no cross-talk. No side conversations under any circumstances. Accept other people’s opinions without immediately judging them as right or wrong. Participate openly. Value other people’s opinions by acknowledging them.
Homework Due Wednesday, Jan. 23 rd Reading Response 1: UCLA study linking childhood obesity to watching junk food commercials on children’s television shows.