25th October - Didier PETIT For an updated aeronautical spectrum (WRC 07 items 1.5 and 1.6) Items proposed 1-The tools offered by the WRC 03 2-Limitations of these tools 3-The nature of the aeronutical needs 4-The amounts of these needs 5-Current difficulties to eveluate the UAV’s spectrum needs 6-Current candidate bands and studies in progress for telemetry spectrum 7-Next steps
25th October - Didier PETIT For an updated aeronautical spectrum (WRC 07 items 1.5 and 1.6) 1- Results from WRC 03 : - A.I. 1.5 – resolution 230 (new spectrum for high bit rate aeronautical telemetry and associated telecommand) -A.I. 1.6 – resolutions 414 and 415 (new spectrum to avoid the scheduled congestion in aeronautical communications)
25th October - Didier PETIT For an updated aeronautical spectrum (WRC 07 items 1.5 and 1.6) 2-Limitations of the A.I. 1.5 and 1.6 : - A.I. 1.5 for MS or AMS in 3-30 GHz; - A.I. 1.6 for AM(R)S in 108 MHz – 6 GHz (R= safety and regularity of flight); - None of these A.I. could be considered as a complete answer adapted to the needs related to the development of the UAV’s and other new aeronautical services. - satellite communications (telemetring) are not considered
25th October - Didier PETIT For an updated aeronautical spectrum (WRC 07 items 1.5 and 1.6) 3- Spectrum aeronautical needs : - Flight tests : - for commercial aircraft (Boeing, Airbus..) before the airworthiness; - for conventional air flight tests using evolved scenarios with numerous aircraft; - for new automated aircraft test in air flight test areas; - Aeronautical voice communications congestion (specifically in Northern Europe) - Development of the new generation of high automated aircraft (UAV) and their integration in non segregated airspace; - New aeronautical security systems to prevent illegal behaviours - New surface airport applications to manage better mobiles positions
25th October - Didier PETIT For an updated aeronautical spectrum (WRC 07 items 1.5 and 1.6) 4- Associated amounts of the spectrum aeronautical needs: - Flight tests : - for commercial aircraft (FR – Airbus): 60 MHz bandwidth or 5 x 12 MHz below 7 GHz; - for air flight tests in air flight test centers (USA and UK) 650 MHz (US) and 105 MHz (UK) - under 16 GHz for the short term; - above 16 GHz for the long term; - Aeronautical voice communications : not precised – a few tens of MHz? - Development of the new generation of high automated aircraft (UAV) and their integration in non seggregated airspace : not well precised but around several hundreds of MHz (FR) with many questions raised and staying unanswered;
25th October - Didier PETIT For an updated aeronautical spectrum (WRC 07 items 1.5 and 1.6) 5- Difficulties to determine the necessary spectrum for the next generation of aircraft: - The scenarios of the complete integration of the autonomous aircraft in the conventional airspace are not yet drawn. Progresses in this way are very different depending essentially upon the region considered. - The nature of the necessary links stays not well determined : - if general : MS or AMS; - if safety and regularity of flight : AM(R)S (included in AMS); - if safety of life and property (specific allocations under AMS or AM(R)S); - if aeronautical security (protection against illegal behaviours – 9/11 events) : specific allocation under AMS - Airport surface application : AM(R)S - other limitations : AMSS and AMS(R)S which are equivalent services of AMS and AM(R)S using satellite relay are not scheduled to be studied under A.I. 1.5 nor 1.6.
25th October - Didier PETIT For an updated aeronautical spectrum (WRC 07 items 1.5 and 1.6) 6- Current compatibility studies in progress in ITU-R: In the following identified candidate bands : – 4940 MHz : in progress (US – 650 MHz need) (or 5010) – 5090 and MHz : in progress (FR/US and Eurocontrol 60 to 120 MHz) – 6700 MHz : in progress (US – 650 Mhz) – 23.6 GHz : candidate bandwitdth identified – passive band above 23.6 GHz – 25.5 GHz : candidate bandwitdth identified - 27 – 27.5 GHz : candidate bandwitdth identified – compatibility studies about to begin
25th October - Didier PETIT For an updated aeronautical spectrum (WRC 07 items 1.5 and 1.6) 7 – Next steps : - November 05 and March 06 : continuation of the compatibility studies with other services - March 06 : French proposal for spectrum required related to the use of automated aircraft in civilian purposes. - Septembre 06 : last 8B meeting before RPC meeting - Spring 07 : RPC – compatibility studies completed and text proposals for the WRC 07 - October / November 07 : WRC 07 - January 08 : New aeronautical spectrum allocations taken into account in the RR and to be then precised by each country in their own airspace or 2011 : next WRC with better A.I. for aeronautical spectrum needs unsolved by the WRC 07.
25th October - Didier PETIT For an updated aeronautical spectrum (WRC 07 items 1.5 and 1.6) Thanks you for your attention