6a Federalism Trivia Newell
What is a primary responsibility of the state government? Aregulate the army Bconduct foreign policy Cregulate interstate commerce Dpromote public health
A primary responsibility of state government is - Aregulating interstate commerce Bissuing executive orders Cconducting foreign policy Dpromoting public health
According to the Constitution of the United States, our federal form of government establishes a system in which the - A local governments give power to the state B national government is supreme Cstate and national governments are equal Dstate government is supreme
Government regulations of television and radio stations is an example of - Areserved powers Bimplied powers Cconcurrent powers Denumerated powers
In our federal system of government Athe state government has the final say Bthe national and state constitutions are equal Cnational laws must agree with state laws Dthe national government is supreme
In Virginia, where do local governments get their power? Athe State Bthe Congress Cthe Constitution of the United States Dthe Virginia Charters
States establishing a public school system is an example of - Aconcurrent powers Bimplied powers Cenumerated powers Dreserved powers
The division of powers between the national, state levels of government is outlined in the - AVirginia State Constitution BConstitution of the United States CDeclaration of Independence DArticles of Confederation
The powers of the local government in Virginia come from the - Amayor Bnation Cstate DPresident
The principle of federalism, is established in the - AArticles of Confederation BConstitution of the United States CDeclaration of Independence DVirginia Statute for religious freedom