Understand the importance of reliability and validity Bell Ringer: 1)Continue Notes from documentary 2)One paragraph: Using evidence: what is intelligence?
3 tests we use today Aptitude Tests- predict your ability to learn a new skill. Achievement tests- intended to reflect what you have learned.
How reliable and valid are certain tests? Reliability- extent to which scores are consistent Assuming someone’s basic ability has not changed, they should do the same on a retest Validity-extent to which a test measures what it needs to. Predictive validity= success at which a test predicts a certain behavior (aptitude) (example: ACT scores predict how well you do in college). Content Validity:
Key Discussion Questions: Do standardized tests have predictive validity? Explain, What else should be used if not the act? Should students with higher IQS be placed in classrooms that have the lowest IQ levels? Do you feel your current curriculum limits your intelligence? Is it fair to close schools down based on low test scores?
1) List 5 examples of how Adora shows intelligence. 2) Would you want your child to be as intelligent as Adora? Explain. 3) Does Adora lack intelligence? Explain. 4) What are some problems that Adora may encounter in the future?
Principles of test construction Standardization= tests given to a representative population. Test then administered to people. How well they do=compared to overall population Normal curve= distribution of scores. Bell shape- move away from average---less people score the extremes Gifted vs. mental retardation
First Iq Tests Alfred Binet (France ) Created first intelligence Test Mental Age- age level at which one performs Lewis Terman- Stanford –Binet Test=Americanized version of test Came up with term IQ Bias
Do you have… 1)emotional intelligence 2) Creative intelligence
Emotional Intelligence- the ability to perceive, express, understand, and regulate emotions
Emotional Intelligence Perceive Emotions- recognize emotions conveyed by various faces,, musical excerpts, or stories (Kevin vs. Ken)(can you do this) Understand Emotions-Predicting emotions and also see how they blend (micah and easter)(can you do this) Regulate Emotion-controlling emotions when facing real life dilemmas. (can you do this)
Creative Intelligence- ability to produce ideas that are valuable Imaginative thinking skills- see things outside the box in a new innovative way (box of 150 matches, 125 thumb tacks, and candle)----- how can you mount the candle on a bulletin board? Venturesome personality- willing to take risks and seeks new experiences rather then following the pack. Intrinsic motivation- motivated by passion, interest, enjoyment, and satisfaction rather than external pressures.