SSR: 15 MINUTES Put everything away except for your SSR book. Read silently for fifteen minutes.
D O N OW Q UESTIONS —P LEASE RESPOND TO THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR NOTES. Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?
G HOSTS IN THE S HAKESPEAREAN E RA In Shakespeare’s time, people believed ghosts were: A.) loved ones from Purgatory coming to warn them or finish unfinished business B.) demons who wanted to create chaos for their boss (the devil)
T AKE A FEW MINUTES TO DISCUSS THIS WITH THE PERSON NEXT TO YOU How do you think this made Hamlet feel when the supposed ghost of his dead father tells him to “revenge his foul and most unnatural murder” (1.5)?
T HINGS TO K NOW B EFORE YOU R EAD A NY F URTHER – W HAT SUPPOSEDLY HAPPENED IN THE PLAY BEFORE THE PLAY 30 years before the action of the play, the old king of Norway challenged the old king of Denmark, Hamlet, to do battle over disputed territory. Old Danish king, Hamlet killed old Fortinbras and took land that had been in dispute. 30 years later Fortinbras' son, Young Fortinbras, plans to take back the land lost by his father. 1 month before the action of the play, old Hamlet of Denmark died. He had been sleeping in the orchard when he was bitten by a poisonous snake. This statement is according to his brother, Claudius, who found him. Hamlet was away at the University of Wittenberg when his father died. The crown was given to Claudius. Queen Gertrude, Hamlet's mother, had been married to his father for over 30 years but married Claudius soon after her husband's funeral. Hamlet doesn't approve because: -he doesn't like Claudius -he feels the marriage occurred too soon after his father's death. -he feels the snake story is rather suspicious.
T HE E LIZABETHAN W ORLD V IEW Theocentric– religion centered life governed by religion Everything is highly ordered (Fixed system of hierarchies)– there is a place for everything
G REAT C HAIN OF B EING Deities– God, Christ, Holy Spirit Angels– Archangels, angels Humanity– Kings, nobles, peasants Animals—Lions, other animals Elements—Fire, air, earth, water
G REAT C HAIN OF B EING C ONT. They believed that there were forces trying to destroy this order (the devil, etc.) They believed that the best way to create chaos in the universe, was if individuals tried to rise in their positions
G HOSTS Roman Catholic belief– ghosts were the souls of dead individuals who could return from Purgatory if they had business to take care of Protestant belief– ghosts were the devil in disguise or demons whose jobs were to convince people to commit violent acts and disrupt the order of the universe. Shakespeare characters are divided on this…so mostly they’re just terrified when they see ghosts
C HARACTERS S TAY U P H ERE Ladies and gentlemen, please think up some questions for any characters who come up here. They will be in the “Hot Seat” after each short performance, where they will be questioned about what happened.
“H OT S EAT ” Q UESTIONS FOR A CT 1 S CENE 4 Hamlet, Horatio, and Marcellus, what was it like being in the cold? Was it worth it?
A1,S4 Q UESTIONS C ONT. Horatio, why did you try to stop Hamlet from going to see his dad? I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but don’t you think Hamlet should make this decision for himself?
Hamlet, did you think about how dangerous seeing the ghost could be? Were you nervous?
Marcellus, I’m curious. What was your reasoning for wanting to stop Hamlet from seeing his dad? You were quoted to have said, “Tis not fit thus to obey him” when Hamlet commanded you not to follow him. Can you explain this?
H OT S EAT Q UESTIONS Ask some questions for our two guests.
A CT 2, S CENE 1 C HARACTERS Polonius Reynaldo
H OT S EAT Q UESTIONS Ask some questions for our guests!
W HAT TO E XPECT FOR F UTURE R EADINGS For the end of Act 3 and onward, you will have to perform an assigned scene in front of the class. You will also have to answer any “Hot Seat” questions anyone asks you. This will be graded. You will be given a rubric next class. We will practice this for Act 2 and the majority of Act 3 Sign in now for when you would like to go.