CREEK INDIANS BY: ROHAN KUMAR Thanks to Mr. Barber and Mrs. Henrie for their help!
Who Am I? My name is Chu’a. Chu’a means snake. I am part of the Creek tribe. My family and I live in the southeast region. This is my story…
A day in the life of my tribe: Housing Hi, I would to tell you about our housing. We build our houses out of river cane and plaster. We have thatched roofs which are made of straw. Our houses make up settlements called Creek towns. Creek towns are built along river valleys. Our ancestors built big earthen pyramids along rivers as part of their elaborate ceremonial complexes. Creek Town
Characteristics and Clothing Today, I woke up and put on my breechcloth, legging, and moccasins. I put a porcupine roach (feather) in my scalplock (a hair style). Then I brushed my teeth. It was part of my daily routine. My sister wore a skirt that wrapped around her. I was going to go with my father to gather materials for our house while my mother stayed home and took care of my little brother. My older sister worked at the local farm. At the farm the women raised livestock and grew vegetables. We brought our dog with us to help us carry the materials. I remember last time I helped my father build a canoe. It is very helpful to my sister because she needs to cross the Flint river to get to the farm. We are mostly peaceful because we have strict rules about behavior and respect for another.
Food Miko(, the chief of our tribe) told us to go fishing. I grabbed my special net my dad gave me and a devil’s shoestring (a type of plant). Then I walked to the nearest river with my dad. My dad let me throw the devil’s shoestring into the water. After a few minutes, we see the first fish float to the top. We gather the fish with the net and take them back to our house. Our mother is making cornbread and rabbit stew on the hearth. A hearth is a big stone fireplace where we cook. Tomorrow we will hunt turkey and deer, my favorite! Also, at the farm, they grow wild rice, persimmon, wild sweet potatoes, nuts, beans, squash, pumpkins, sunflowers, corn and melons. My sister brings some vegetables to our family once a week and it is a good supply of food for us. Devil’s Shoestring
Geography of my tribal region Ssss, “There it is again!” I had been walking in the woods with my father for the past ten minutes and my dog and I were getting very itchy because of all the mosquitoes. It felt like I was in a jungle! My leggings were very helpful especially with the razor-sharp grass. Once I got cut and it hurt! Along the way, we kept seeing a brown rabbit hop where we went. Followed by that, there was an annoying constant ssss, which drove me crazy. Even though the noise was so annoying, snakes are my favorite animal besides alligators, which I saw now and then in the creeks and rivers. That’s why I am always careful when I am near a river. Alligators are dangerous. After we gathered enough materials, my sister was going to show me the farm. My father told me how to remember which berries to eat and what not to eat. It goes like this: “Red=dead. Blue=food.” My dad brought his bow with him just in case. A deer sprang out right in front of us. By the time it saw us, my dad shot an arrow and the deer died. We were having it for dinner. I saw a turtle, fish, birds, and even a BEAR! My sister always came home talking about a new farming method they had developed. Then I would go and play lacrosse with my little brother.
Weather in my tribe’s habitat Phew, it was very hot. After I finished this game of lacrosse, my mom said I could go for a swim in the creek in front of our house with my friends. It was okay because this creek did not have any dangerous animals in it. I was tired. Okay, I win Molokai. I dove into the creek. Ahhh, that was so refreshing! In winter, we wrap ourselves with blankets to keep us warm. In summer, the trees give us shade and keep us cool. The cold, refreshing water in the creeks and rivers also keep us cool.
Reflection (First Person) My typical life is good, but if the weather is too hot, a lot of people will die so we will need to make a good adaptation which can block the heat. Otherwise, it’s pretty good.
Reflection (Third Person) I think I will get a 95% because I have a lot of information and that’s good, but I think I have too much information on one page. I think I need to spread out the information more. Also, I don’t think I have enough information on the Weather part. I think I have a good story. I blended the Geography sections together to make two big entries instead of eight or six.
Bibliography Scholastic Encyclopedia of the North American Indian THE END