This Tip Sheet focuses on how MDRN Care Coordinators and Providers use SMART to Accept Client Referrals and document services provided. ` Total Pages: Caseload Management Accepting Referrals Activating Authorizations Searching for a Client Documenting Encounters Tracking Due Dates for Follow-up GPRAs IGSR Technical Support: October 2014 SMART Tip Sheets Maryland RecoveryNet (MDRN) Caseload Management for Care Coordinators INSTITUTE FOR GOVERNMENTAL SERVICE & RESEARCH
Referrals Do not accept a referral until you have a serviceable contact with the client. Accepting Referrals (Referrals In) 1. Entry Step: Login. Go to the Menu Tree and click on Agency. Then click on Referrals. 2. To view referrals made to your agency, click Referrals In. 3. Go to the Referral Status Codes mover box and highlight Referral Created/Pending by clicking on it. Move it to the Search Criteria box (using the arrow). 4. Then click Go. This will generate a list of clients referred in to your facility. 5. To view a referral, click on the Review hyperlink next to the appropriate client. 6. This will generate the Referral screen displaying the referral information, including any comments entered by the referring agency. 7. To accept a referral, select Placed/Accepted for Referral Status. Enter the Appointment Date and status (if known). Or you may select another Referral Status. 8. Click Finish. This will take you immediately to the Client Profile screen. (Please refer to the Client Profile tip sheet for further information. ) You can now activate Authorizations
3 Authorization Authorizing (Activating) Vouchers Once a Referrals is accepted, and opened, you will be able to activate the Authorizations. 1. Entry Step : Client Profile 2. Go to the Menu Tree click on Authorization. 3. The Authorization List screen will open. 4. Click on the Profile hyperlink next to the Service you want to review/accept 5. To accept (or decline) a service go to the Actions box found in the lower left hand section of the screen and click on the Accept hyperlink. 6. A screen will appear asking if your are sure you want to Accept the Authorization. Click on Yes button. 7. The activated Service will now appear on the Authorized Service List. You will now be able to track service use by viewing the table in the lower right hand side of the screen. 8. Click on Finish button 9. If you have more than one Authorization repeat steps
Client Search 1. Entry Steps: Login, Select Client List from the Menu Tree to generate the Client Search Screen. 2. Client Search: You can search for a client by entering the client’s First Name, Last Name, SSN, DOB or a combination thereof. The more criteria you search by, the more specific the search. You can also broaden your search by using an ‘*’ in place of letters you are unsure of in a name (e.g. bro*). 3.Client List: If your client exists in your agency, it will appear in the Client List. To view an existing client’s profile, click ‘Profile’ or to view activities for the client, click ‘Activity List’. Note: To search for active and closed clients, choose ‘All Clients’ in the Case Status field. To search for all active clients, choose ’Clients with Open Cases’. If you wanted to generate a list of all a staff’s active cases, you would choose the staff member and then choose ‘Clients with Open Cases’. When you have entered your search criteria, click Go. 4 Search Criteria 3
Encounters 1. Entry Steps: Login, Client Search Screen. Activity List, go to the Menu Tree and click on Encounters. 2. When the Encounter Search screen opens click on the Add Encounter Record hyperlink. 3. When the Encounter screen opens the Note Type and Program Name fields will be prefilled. Complete the following fields Service Start Date Start Time& End Time ( The Duration fields will prefill ) # of Service Units /Sessions. (1 Unit = 15 minutes) 4. Click on the Save button 5. Click on the Release to Billing hyperlink Note: In order for Care Coordinators and Recovery Support Providers to be reimbursed for services an Encounter must be completed and released to billing for every face-to-face contact with the client
GPRA Follow-up Overview: The GPRA Follow-up Due screen allows you to see, at the agency level, all of the clients that have a GPRA Intake Interview created between 5 and 8 months ago but have not had a Follow-up GPRA interview. 1. Entry Steps: Log in. Go to the Menu Tree and click on Agency. Click on GPRA Folllowup Due 2. Select the Agency you wish to review. If you want to see all of the GPRAs select All 3. Select the Follow up Attendance Criteria you wish to use and For Follow-up Attendance field, when you select “Within Window” option from the drop down menu, the GPRA Follow-up Due List will then display all the clients that do not have a Follow-up GPRA interview yet but are within the period to submit it (5-8months after the intake date). You also have the option of looking at clients that are New, or have an upcoming Follow-Up GPRA Interview, or that have missed one, etc. by selecting the criterion from the dropdown menu. 4. Click on the Go button. 5. To view the client’s record the View Client hyperlink. This will take you to the Client Profile from which you can then review the client record. (See the GPRA Tip Sheet for instructions on completing GPRAs. )
GPRA Discharge Due Overview: The GPRA Discharge Due screen allows you to see at the Agency level all the clients that have a GPRA intake interview but no Discharge GPRA interview. 1. Entry Steps: Log in. Click on Agency. Select GPRA Discharge Due on the Menu Tree. 2. Make your search selection on the GPRA Discharge Due Search section. 3. click the Go button. The GPRA Discharge Due List will then display all the clients that do not have a GPRA Discharge GPRA interview yet. 4. To activate a client’s record from the GPRA Follow-Up Interview Due List click on the View Client hyperlink. This will take you to the Client Profile from which you can then review the client record. 7 Enter Criteria 2 3