Date: in 12 pts EU Tourism Policy actions promoting sustainable tourism Eionet Workshop 7 July 2014,Copenhagen Ilona LELONEK HUSTING European Commission,


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Presentation transcript:

Date: in 12 pts EU Tourism Policy actions promoting sustainable tourism Eionet Workshop 7 July 2014,Copenhagen Ilona LELONEK HUSTING European Commission, DG Enterprise & Industry Tourism Policy Unit

Facts & figures on tourism in the EU  > a cross-cutting sector, the 3 rd largest economic activity in the EU (after Distribution and Construction)  > involves a big diversity of services and professions  > mainly dominated by SMEs (3.4 million) Socio-economic importance of tourism taking into account the related sectors: 9% the EU GDP 15.2 million jobs

Europe N°1 tourist destination in the world taking into account the number of international tourist arrivals Thanks to great: cultural and historical heritage natural assets diversity of sceneries quality services good connectivity Among the top 10 countries visited: France, Spain, Italy, Germany and UK. 3 INSERT

Challenges for European tourism > Increased competition from destinations in emerging countries > Insufficient socio-economic data on tourism at EU level > Information and communication technologies uptake (ITC) > Ensuring economic, social and environmental sustainability > Reducing seasonality > Improving quality of tourism jobs > Making holidays available to all

Legal Framework – EU Tourism competences EU competence (after the Lisbon Treaty art. 195): Complement, support and coordinate the action of the Member States in the tourism sector How? By: Encouraging the creation of a favorable environment for the development of undertakings in this sector Promoting cooperation between the Member States, particularly by the exchange of good practice No harmonization of the laws and regulations of the Member States

The main objectives of the EU tourism policy To facilitate the responsible competitiveness of the EU tourism sector, the sustainable growth and job creation of the tourism activity in the EU and if possibly globally in order to provide to the EU and third countries tourists high quality, best value for money, safe, innovative, sustainable and accessible tourism products/experience. Actions in line with the Europe 2020 strategy and its flagships initiatives: - Smart growth: Innovation Union - Sustainable growth: Resource Efficient Europe - Inclusive growth: Agenda for New Skills and Jobs - European Platform against Poverty

Policy Framework - Communication COM(2010) 352 : « Europe, the world’s No 1 tourist destination - a new political framework for tourism in Europe » Objective: to make European Tourism competitive, modern, sustainable and responsible 1)Stimulating competitiveness in the European Tourism sector 2)Promoting the development of a sustainable, responsible, and high quality tourism 3)Consolidating image and profile of Europe 4)Maximising the potential of EU policies and financial instruments for developing tourism

Date: in 12 pts European Destinations of Excellence "EDEN" This European quest for excellence in tourism, developed around an annual theme (leitmotif): 2007 – rural tourism 2008 – local intangible heritage 2009 – protected areas 2010 – aquatic tourism 2011 – tourism and regeneration of physical sites 2013 – accessible tourism Objectives:  Enhancing visibility of the emerging, non-traditional European tourist destinations of excellence  Rewarding sustainable forms of tourism (commitment to social, cultural and environmental sustainability)  promoting networking between awarded destinations to persuade other destinations to adopt sustainable tourism development modes

European Destinations of Excellence “EDEN”  > 119 destinations awarded in Europe so far  > EDEN Network (around 200 destinations) - a platform for the exchange of good practices at European level between awarded destinations but also with the aim to persuade other destinations to adopt sustainable tourism development practice. Main benefits for destinations: visibility, tourism flows, networking

"Sustainable transnational thematic tourism products" EU supports development and promotion of sustainable transnational thematic products (e.g. transnational cycle or hiking routes like: "EuroVelo" Network of long distance cycle routes, Greenways, itineraries based on nature, rural, gastronomic, pilgrims tourism, as well as cultural or industrial heritage tourism routes passing by several European countries (European Cultural Routes, …)

Diversification of tourism offer Sustainable transnational thematic products routes/itineraries/trails (e.g. cycle, hiking, nature, gastronomic tourism…) -EuroVelo Central Coordination (network of high-quality 14 cycle routes) -Iron Curtain Trail (EV 13) -The Saint James Ways -DanubeHIKE -Greenways -LIMES (the frontiers of the Roman Empire) -Venetian Routes (VeRoTour project) -CERA DEST- Ceramic destinations

2014 Call for proposals "Diversifying the EU tourism offer and products – Sustainable transnational tourism products" Enhancement and promotion improving visibility and market uptake Key requirements :  > Transnational (4 countries + cooperation  between SMEs & local public authorities)  > Sustainability  > Focus on sport and wellness activity tourism in one of the following type of tourism: coastal, maritime, mountain or rural tourism Budget: 1M € - EU co-financement of up to 75%, max €/project, 5 projects will be selected, publication early July. tourism/index_en.htm

Diversification of tourism offer Cultural tourism - development of cultural tourism products  Cooperation with the Council of Europe (Cultural Routes’ program)  Events Crossroads of Europe to promote cultural tourism and itineraries (17-20 June, Ferrol, Spain) + European Conference of Industrial Tourism  Co-financing of projects, "Promotion of European and transnational cultural and industrial products" Call for proposals, budget 1M EUR, EU co-financing max EUR 4- 5 projects to be selected. routes/index_en.htm#h2-3

Actions promoting sustainable tourism development:  European Charter for sustainable and responsible tourism to encourage sustainable/responsible practices  European Tourism Indicator System (ETIS) for Sustainable Management of Tourist Destinations Launched in February 2013, together with a practical step by step Toolkit (guidelines) tourism/indicators/index_en.htm

Actions aiming at increasing competitiveness of the tourism sector:  Improving socio-economic knowledge of policy makers and businesses: Virtual Tourism Observatory (VTO), Eurobarometer surveys  Improving skills (integration of the hospitality sector targeted section in EURES, the European Job Mobility Portal) (with DG EMPL)  A strategy for maritime and coastal tourism (with DG MARE)

Date: in 12 pts EU support for tourism related projects  Budget managed by Tourism Unit/ENTR (COSME Programme + PAs - total of around 12 M EUR in 2014) co-financing of projects possible directly only by means of calls for proposals.  In total COSME strand for tourism – 105 M ( )  Different EU funding programmes available for tourism investments (European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) including European Regional Development Fund, European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development…) Guidance fiche: ism.pdf + New Guide on EU Funding Programmes for Tourism Stakeholders to be published soon

Contact details European Commission, Tourism website: tors/tourism/index_en.htm tors/tourism/index_en.htm Unit E1. Tourism policy Unit ENTR-TOURISM- Thank you for your attention