CREATED BY: SOPHIE 3 RD GRADE JUNE Family and friend poetry
Dedication Rachel todd chris Jake yevonne Sandy Joey Greg Maddie And all of the other people who supported me
Alphabet A very supported family because we are…... Courageous Daring Elegant Fair Grateful Honest Interesting Jubilant Kind Lovely Majestic Nice Optimistic Polite Quite Rejoiced Spectacular Terrific Untitled Vogue Worry X-ray You rock Zillion
Dad haiku Dad Fantastic, hilarious Spirt,terrfic,carzy Drives a porche convertible perfect
Emily haiku crafty Emily Crafty and often cranky always helps me out
Chris limerick my awesome aunt Chris Always creative and fun Crafty she so is!
Jake five w’s my brother Jake Plays basketball In our back yard or on a team Everyday To get better!
Josh five w’s Josh Plays football At a high school On Sundays To get better
Grand parents bio poem grand parents Loving,awsome,funny and honest grandparents Family, projects and honest loved,awsome and fantastic Love, food and shelter Bugs, slimy stuff and sick love to everyone kids ? Rotger and Salminen
Will Haiku will cool, nice and funny fun you are my cousin!
Color poetry Red is as fresh as cherry Blue as a blue berry Yellow is like a sunny day Gold as a whole lot of hay Orange is like a Sun Set Grey is the color of a Jet
Terse Verse what do you call a crab that pinches? Crabby!
Terse Verse What do you call a rotten grape? Grumpy Grape!
Josh & Will limerick their once was 2 video game guys who was always in a rush ready to give a great push
Duke Limerick their once was a fat cat name duke who likes to give a great big spook he is a great big creep also a big kook
Becky name or subject Becky you are enjoyable cool kind yummy that spells becky
Olivia Couplet My friend Olivia we call her Bolivia, she is very funny just like her auntie bunnie Her sister Brandi calls her calls her Olive Olivia me and Olivia have outstanding times together
MADDIE name or subject poem Mad with her phone And always texting Don’t ever stop Daring Interesting Enjoyable
All About the author bio poem Sophie Nice,fun,cool and funny Sister Chocolate, Peace, Life Loved, Cared and Protected Family, friends and love Snakes, danger and spiders Love Hawaii Birmingham MI Rotger
Mom Questions MOM do you ever want to be on top of the world Is your hair curled MOM do you like pets Do we have pests in the house
DAD Cinquain
BYE good bye