European Commission DG Environment Marine Environment and Water Industry Unit Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Progress with Art. 12 assessment WG.


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Presentation transcript:

European Commission DG Environment Marine Environment and Water Industry Unit Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Progress with Art. 12 assessment WG GES October 2013, Brussels

Article 12 progress in 2013 Questionnaire template and criteria for assessment developed Reports/reporting sheets from 20 MS on Art. 8, 9 & 10 received by 30 th April 2013 are assessed Consultant assessments: results in consultant report per MS results in consultant report per marine region Now: COM is finalizing its Art. 12 report

Deliverables Communication with main conclusions, recommendations and proposed way forward (12 page doc to be translated) Commission Staff Working Document with more detailed analysis per descriptor/article and region on performance of MS and region Fact sheet highlights results per MS Annexes with Questionnaire template and criteria used

Article 12 time lines Autumn 2013: finalisation of COM Art. 12 reports Inter-service consultation in-house COM 2013/2014: technical in-depth assessments on selected issues by JRC and "MSFD 2012 baseline assessment" by EEA Main results at Marine Directors meeting in December 2013 Translation and adoption by College early 2014 Communication & CSWD ready for Marine Conference, 3-4 March 2014