Presented to: Bob Christler & David Harms Presented by: Tammy Miller & Julie Braden Date: January 21, 2014 Alpha Broadcasting Union Gospel Mission Radio-thon On KINK fm November 2014 Client logo goes here Union Gospel Mission Radio-thon
Presented to: Bob Christler & David Harms Presented by: Tammy Miller & Julie Braden Date: January 21, 2014 Alpha Broadcasting Client logo goes here Union Gospel Mission Radio-thon KINK is thrilled to once again partner with our friends at i58:10 Media with a radio-thon in November 2014, raising funds for the Union Gospel Mission! Let’s top what we did last year! The following outlines the deliverables, both on-air and on-line that will support the Radio-thon: ON AIR Minimum of 100 promotional announcements, on-air and on-line (:40) 75, :30 second announcements the week prior to the radio-thon Two (2) breaks at the top and bottom of each hour, 5am-7pm. Breaks to include the set up, the ask and :45-:60 audio story (2:00 to 3:00 minute total duration). During morning drive, breaks will be at :15 & :45 of the hour. These could be produced or live with David. Two (2) speed breaks will air each hour, 5am-7pm. These breaks should be no more than :60 and give details of the radio-thon, goals, incentives, etc. The speed breaks will be at opposite ends of the hour from the longer breaks.
Presented to: Bob Christler & David Harms Presented by: Tammy Miller & Julie Braden Date: January 21, 2014 Alpha Broadcasting Client logo goes here Union Gospel Mission Radio-thon ON LINE: Two (2) blasts to the KINK Community – one the week prior to the radio-thon & a dedicated e-blast the day of the radio-thon Union Gospel Mission Microsite to reside on Exposure on KINK’s home page the day of the radio-thon 3 ROS banner ads (300x250, 728x90, 234x60 provided by i58:10), minimum 25,000 impressions Key word: Mission Pre-roll (:15) on the KINK Stream (provided by i58:10) will click through to the donation page Two (2) facebook posts – one the week prior and one the week of the radio-thon INCENTIVES: To be determined closer to November 2014
Presented to: Bob Christler & David Harms Presented by: Tammy Miller & Julie Braden Date: January 21, 2014 Alpha Broadcasting Client logo goes here Union Gospel Mission Radio-thon Thank you!!! We are thrilled to be working with The Union Gospel Mission & I58:10 Media! We look forward to a successful day…. Total Net Investment to KINK: $25,000 _________________________________________________ Alpha Broadcastingi58:10 Media h