Area of interaction focus Which area of interaction will be our focus? Why have we chosen this? Community and Service Exploring the concepts of self, culture.


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Presentation transcript:

Area of interaction focus Which area of interaction will be our focus? Why have we chosen this? Community and Service Exploring the concepts of self, culture and identity. Reflecting on the similarities and differences between my community and other communities around the world Significant concepts What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future? Family life in other countries can differ to that of our own country. Differences in the way families exist in other countries can affect the social norms of that country. MYP unit question How is family life in China different to the UK? Unit title: 家 Family and Home

LO: Learn adjectives to describe pets Practise word order of Chinese sentences Pets

宠物 pet ch ǒ ng ​ wù

大 big dà

小 small xi ǎ o

不 not bù

很 very hěn

非常 extremely fēi ​ cháng

大狗 big dog dà g ǒ u

小猫 small cat xi ǎ o māo

很小的兔子 very small rabbit hěn xi ǎ o de tù zi

extremely big bird fēi cháng dà de ni ǎ o 非常大的鸟

写 Write out the new words from the vocab sheet into your vocabulary books and then practise the characters.

Adjectives (describing words) - Grammar For simple adjectives that are one syllable/character just add it before the noun you’re describing. 一只小猫 = 三条大鱼 = one small cat three big fish Sentence structure: Number + Measure word + Adjective + Noun Write out the grammar in your books. Can you think of 5 different examples?

听力 第二十三页, 练习五 EXT= What are the two different question sentences you can hear?

说 第二十三页, 练习六。

Team Sentence Organising 一 My father has two big fish 二 My mother has three small dogs 三 My elder sister has one extremely big cat 四 My elder brother has two very small birds 五 My family has five people 六 I have one younger sister, one younger brother

一 我 爸爸 有 两 条 大 鱼 二 我 妈妈 有 三 只 小 狗 三 我 姐姐 有 一 只 非常 大 猫 四 我 哥哥 有 两 只 很 小 鸟 五 我 家 有 五 口 人 六 我 有 一 个 妹妹, 一 个 弟弟

我是一只小小鸟 n7Axg&feature=relatedhttp:// n7Axg&feature=related

Bingo Use pets to complete your bingo sheet.Use three pets twice. Write in English.