$100 $400 $300$200 $ $200$100$100$400 $200$200$500 $500$300 $200$500 $100$300$100$300 $500$300$400$400$500
Silk Road
Age of Exploration
Sports / Pop Culture Sports / Pop Culture
Prehistory Civilizations Silk Road Age of Exploration Sports/ Pop Culture $100 $300 $200 $400 $500
CATEGORY 1 - $100 Climate stability came following this…
CATEGORY 1 - $200 Before become agriculture- based economies, farming, early people didn’t stay put and had to do what for food…
CATEGORY 1 - $300 This is the word for keeping animals in order to grow and eat them…
CATEGORY 1 - $400 As an agricultural economy, prehistory people invented this technique in order to help crops grow?
CATEGORY 1 - $500 As population increase, what else must increase (I’m looking for a very specific relationship!)
CATEGORY 2 - $100 What are king in ancient civilizations?
CATEGORY 2 - $200 In order to record, protect, and plan, what were the three things invented in early civilization?
CATEGORY 2 - $300 Tools advanced from this metal to another lighter, more abundant metal…
CATEGORY 2 - $400 What was an important animal to domesticate?
CATEGORY 2 - $500 This technological revolution ended the reign of iron weapons?
CATEGORY 3 - $100 The Silk Road spanned nearly 4,000 miles from this empire in the West to this empire in the East?
CATEGORY 3 - $200 This form of government is where a king or queen has “absolute” control.
CATEGORY 3 - $300 These disease spread across the Silk Road disrupting trade for good.
CATEGORY 3 - $400 These, aside from the Bubonic Plague, spread across the Silk Road…
CATEGORY 3 - $500 These three reasons, ending the Silk Road, usher the West into seeking a new, maritime (by sea) route to Asia?
CATEGORY 4 - $100 This very long war between France and Britain became expensive for Feudal Lords in their Castles…
CATEGORY 4 - $200 This technological invention came with a BANG!, and made ships more deadlier on the high seas? This technological invention came with a BANG!, and made ships more deadlier on the high seas?
CATEGORY 4 - $300 The Fall of this city, the capital of the Roman Empire, led to the end of the Silk Road?
CATEGORY 4 - $400 This invention meant, Lords in their castles were no longer invincible!
CATEGORY 4 - $500 This philosophy, or way of thinking, leads humans to feel they can discovery the truth of the world around them, without faith. (hint: word ends in “ism”)
CATEGORY 5 - $100 Mr. Wall’s favorite football team is sorry. Maybe their QB should do is end zone move of taking a knee and praying. What is this team?
CATEGORY 5 - $200 Mariah Carey is about to get a beat down from this singer/rapper. (B’s in a trap)
CATEGORY 5 - $300 Don’t wake me uupppppppppppppp. Mr. Wall likes this artist, who sings this song.
CATEGORY 5 - $400 Monday is what holiday? Hint: a Famous explorer’s day.
CATEGORY 5 - $500 In the recent presidential debate, what cartoon character might get his show canceled?
CATEGORY 1 - $100 Ice Age.
CATEGORY 1 - $200 Hunter/Gatherer.
CATEGORY 1 - $300 Domestication.
Irrigation. CATEGORY 1 - $400
CATEGORY 1 - $500 Food Production Increases.
CATEGORY 2 - $100 Crops
CATEGORY 2 - $200 Writing, army, government.
CATEGORY 2 - $300 Bronze Age to Iron Age.
CATEGORY 2 - $400 Horse.
CATEGORY 2 - $500 Gunpowder.
CATEGORY 3 - $100 Rome to China (Han Dynasty).
CATEGORY 3 - $200 Absolute Monarchy
CATEGORY 3 - $300 Bubonic Plague / Black Death.
CATEGORY 3 - $400 Christianity.
CATEGORY 3 - $500 Islam rise up blocking the Silk Road in Arabia, Monarchies desire wealth and new trading markets after the fall of Feudalism, and Fall of Constantinople ends Christianity’s control.
100 years war. CATEGORY 4 - $100
Cannon. CATEGORY 4 - $200
Constantinople. CATEGORY 4 - $300
Stairs. CATEGORY 4 - $400
Humanism. CATEGORY 4 - $500
Tim Tebow / Jets. CATEGORY 5 - $100
Nicki Minaj. CATEGORY 5 - $200
Chris Brown CATEGORY 5 - $300
Columbus Day CATEGORY 5 - $400
Big Bird. CATEGORY 5 - $500