Exponents on the Classroom Calculator
EXPONENTS ON THE CLASSROOM CALCULATOR How to enter 5.0 X 10 3 on the calculator ENTER “5.0” ENTER “2 nd ” and “EE” ENTER “3” The screen should read “ 5.0E3 “* You should write this as “ 5.0 x 10 3 ” since “E” stands for “exponent” * this should be familiar from Moodle”
EXPONENTS ON THE CLASSROOM CALCULATOR How to enter 1.06 X on the calculator ENTER “1.06” ENTER “2 nd ” and “EE” ENTER “(-)” and “2” The screen should read “1.06E-2”
EXPONENTS ON THE CLASSROOM CALCULATOR How to multiply 5.0 x 10 3 by 1.06 x ENTER “5.0 x 10 3 ” ENTER “X” for multiply ENTER “1.06 x ENTER “=” The lower right-hand side of the screen should read “5.3 x ” This is the way the answer 5.3 x 10 1 appears in Scientific Notation
Students seated on left side of room should pass 3 things to their right marker boards dry erase markers box of tissue (for erasers)
Use your calculator to calculate the following practice problems and write the answer you get in large letters on your marker board. Hold your board up so the teacher can see it.
Write the answer in scientific notation x x (9.87 x 10 3 g) / 4.93 L (44.6 x 10 2 m) x (1.345 x 10 4 m)