Why are we here? To Make a Difference
For whom? To Ourselves & Others
How? Knowing Me Knowing You by
LET’S Start How?
Context Title: Knowing Me, Knowing You, harmonising MBS fraternity towards achieving excellence in work & beyond
Introduction Today is Nomination Day. GE13 is not far away. Teachers’ roll is vital. As a result, Teachers will be further recognised for their vital & indispensible roles in human engineering for the meaningful building of this beloved nation.
Introduction Teachers have been earmarked for this noble vision and more incentives and promotions are rightly on their way.
Introduction However, in order for the Teachers to be truly eligible for the incentives and promotions the MOE is fully aware that Knowledge & Skills of the Teachers are vital and indispensible.
Introduction We have often heard & know for ourselves: The perception of the public on Teachers is on the decline for some time. The MOE must assure the Teachers deserve these Promotions & Incentives to restart the incline. The Teachers must learn to earn this.
‘Respect is earned, … never commanded.’ When Human Engineers are equipped with the appropriate knowledge, skills & values, the respect will come rolling in, in abundance … Introduction
As some of us have heard: As some of us have heard: ‘Architects design buildings. Engineers build roads and bridges. Doctors build health. Teachers design & build architects, engineers & doctors.’ Teachers must then learn to understand, then design & build humans. Introduction
However, the wise once said: “In order to truly understand others, one needs to start by understanding oneself !” Introduction
Complete the given social style questionnaire and start knowing yourself. Determine the general characteristics and psychological inclinations of yourself inside out ! Scenario 1 – Knowing ME … (20 min)
4 Responsiveness 1 Assertiveness
Opposite Poles
Work in pairs. Pick a role each. Identify the general characteristics and psychological inclinations of each other ! Then exchange your Social Styles. Scenario 2 – Knowing YOU … (10 min each)
Ask your principal to excuse you from SPM invigilation this year even though you have not invigilated for a few years. As a principal, ask a teacher to return this week Saturday & Sunday for work. Persuade a parent to purchase a RM150 PIBG voucher allotted to you for each student under your care for fund raising event. Ask a colleague to replace you for SPM invigilation end of the year. Scenario 2 – Knowing YOU … (10 min each) Roles
Your team members have each received a letter of promotion which comes with shortcut to a supergrade incentive within 3 years. The promotions comes with performance-based assessment from self, peers, colleagues – on multidimensional skills & thoughts for a harmonious working environment - vital and indispensible for success. Try enhancing these generic life skills as you go along learning about each other in the team.
The top management of the new IAB International campus is given full autonomy to utilize a special grant allocation from the government to sustain its education expert personnel.
Formulate a reasonable, transparent and sustainable structure of appraisal and reward system to be used in your campus for the sustainability of your human resource, with an international composition, to continue carrying out its mandated vision in delivering excellence in education management. Design an appraisal form assessing good human characteristics which you find are most important for promoting excellent performance during team work.
StyleStrengthsWeaknesses Amiable (Stretch) Supportive Easygoing Conforming Permissive Analytical (Decide) Precise Systematic Exacting Inflexible Driver (Listen) Determined Objective Dominating Insensitive Expressive (Restrain) Enthusiastic Imaginative Undisciplined Unrealistic
26 Analytical (Process-Oriented) Communicates about: Facts & Figures Policies & Organization Planning & Forecasting Analysis & Control Driver (Action-Oriented) Communicates about: Getting Things Done Objectives & Results Performance & Productivity Efficiency & Moving Ahead Decisions & Achievements Amiable (People-Oriented) Communicates about: Needs & Motivations Teamwork & Team Spirit Feelings & Beliefs Values & self-Devleopment Expressive (Idea-Oriented) Communicates about: Innovation & Change New Ways of Doing Things Creativity & Possibilities Alternatives or Options
Why are we here? To Make a Difference
However, the wise once said: “In order to truly understand others, one needs to start by understanding oneself !” Knowing others, Knowing oneself needs…the mind, the heart, the spirit … sincere honesty … Introduction
Why are we here? "The (average) mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." - William Arthur Ward To learn to inspire
Why are we here? "The (average) mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." - William Arthur Ward And the greatest teacher of them all, does all of the above, in a timely manner. To learn to inspire
Million dollar man: Mahadi attributes much of his success and values to his mother. He had humble beginnings but that only drove this Penang boy to think out of the box and attain his goals and success. To honour her invaluable lessons, the filial son has business cards that read “my mother says that we must help people to save money, grow money and protect their money”. Mahadi Badrul Zaman He I did !