US Government October 5, 2015
Daily Warm-up: The Constitution promotes smooth relations among states. How inconvenient would it be if you were going to a school playoff three states away and were required to get a passport and driver’s license from each state you drove through?
Daily Objectives: Students will be able to… explain why States make interstate compacts. understand the purpose of the Full Faith and Credit Clause. define extradition and explain its purpose discuss the purpose of the Privileges and Immunities Clause.
Agenda: 1. Daily Warm-up 2. Daily Objective Review 3. Turn in homework 4. Federalism: Interstate Relations PWPT 5. Guided Reading & Review pg. 28 Homework: Political Cartoon Analysis pg. 17
Federalism Interstate Relations October 5, 2015
Interstate Relations A primary reason for the writing and adoption of the Constitution was due to conflict among the States.
Interstate Compacts No State can enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation. The States, with Congress’ consent, may enter into interstate compacts—agreements among themselves and with foreign states. More than 200 compacts are in force The Compact for the Supervision of Parolees and Probationers & The Compact of Juveniles All 50 states have joined to share important law-enforcement data
Full Faith and Credit Each state has been given: “Full Faith and Credit…to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State.”—Article IV, Section 1 Public acts refers to the laws Records refers to such documents as birth certificates, marriage licenses, deeds to property, car registrations, etc. Judicial proceedings refers to the outcome of court actions such as damage awards, probating wills, divorce decrees, etc.
Full Faith and Credit Exceptions It applies only to civil, not criminal matters. Another State cannot enforce another State’s criminal law. Full faith and credit need not be given to certain divorces granted by one State to residents of another State. Was the person who obtained the divorce a resident of the State that granted it? If not, other States do not have to recognize it.
Full Faith and Credit Williams vs. North Carolina A couple moved from North Carolina and resided in Nevada for a minimum of 6 weeks and were granted divorces from their spouses so they could marry each other. They returned to North Carolina and were brought to trial for the crime of bigamous cohabitation. The Supreme Court upheld North Carolina’s ruling because the couple had not established bona fide—good faith, valid— residence in Nevada. A divorce granted by a State court to a bona fide resident of that State must be given full faith and credit in all other States.
Extradition Extradition—the legal process by which a fugitive from justice in one State can be returned to that State. Designed to prevent people escaping justice by fleeing to another State. Governors regularly approve extradition requests from other States’ chief executives. Kentucky vs. Dennison (1861) The Constitution did not give the Federal Government any power to compel a governor to act in an extradition case. Puerto Rico vs. Branstad (1987) The Federal Government can order an unwilling governor to extradite a fugitive.
Privileges and Immunities The Privileges and Immunities Clause means no State can draw unreasonable distinctions between its own residents and those who happen to live in other States. Each State must: recognize the right of any American wanting to travel or reside within that State allow any citizen to use its courts, make contracts, and marry Each State can: draw reasonable distinctions between those residing in the State and those of other States Each State cannot: give hiring preferences to in-State residents
Guided Reading and Review/Homework Working in pairs, complete pg. 28 Complete an analysis of the political cartoon found on pg. 17. Answer questions 1-4 For question 4, complete an extended response using R.A.C.E.