Mental/Emotional Health
Emotions How do you feel today? Emotions are neither good or bad, it’s how you express them that counts.
Pause for Emotion Game
Peer pressure- the influence you feel to go along with the behavior and beliefs of your peer group This can be a cause of stress. Peer pressure can be either positive or negative.
Stress-your body’s response to changes around you – Eustress- good stress – Distress- negative stress Stressors- objects, people, places, and events that trigger stress Dealing with too much stress can cause fatigue (extreme tiredness).
Abstinence- not participating in health-risk behaviors Some teens try to fulfill their emotional needs by engaging in risky behavior. Being abstinent communicates your refusal skills to participate in unsafe behaviors and allows you to practice self-control.
Self-esteem: confidence in one’s own worth and abilities Self-image: the idea someone has about their abilities, appearance and personality