Report Back Summary Natural Resources & Environment Young Professionals Science Presentations Parallel Session, September 4 FANRPAN Regional Dialogue Dar es Salaam 5 th September
Presenters Mr. Kudzai Ndidzuno: Adoption of Conservation Agriculture in Upper Mzingwane Catchment, Zimbabwe. (LBDC) Ms. Phindile Shongwe: Cost-benefit Analysis of Adaptation to Climate Change in Swaziland. (SECCAP) Ms. Aliness Mumba: Mainstreaming Gender in Programme Design & Implementation (LBDC) Mr. Kanono Thabane: Assessing Household Vulnerability to Climate Change in Lesotho (SECCAP) Limpopo Basin Development Challenge; Strengthening Evidence-based Climate Change Adaptation Policies
Young Professionals (YPs) making significant contributions to agricultural value chains through research Great potential for impact from YPs’ research if planned & prioritized Meeting multiple demands: rigor; relevance; requirements Continuity in research for power & influence with decision makers Lessons Learnt & Challenges
Investment in capacity building is worth every dime Preparation: Evidence is only as good as the delivered message Young Professionals’ network Improve our capacity to mentor and support young professionals in research for development impact. To be taken forward