OBJECTIVES 1.Lab rules (10 B) 2.Oral practice 3.3. Listening practice 4.Game 5.English structure practice 6.Home activity 1.Book page 8 and 9 2.Consult (pbworks)
Keep the classroom close. Bring your headphones.
Food and drink will not be allowed in any computer lab. allowed in any computer lab. Unopened and opened containers Unopened and opened containers of food, cans or cups will not be of food, cans or cups will not be allowed in the lab unless they are allowed in the lab unless they are stored in your book bag and must stored in your book bag and must be kept out of sight. be kept out of sight. STUDENTS WITH FOOD OR DRINK WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE THE LAB.
The Lab is a work and study environment, just like the library. Loud noise, disruptive behaviour, etc. Is not tolerated and may cause you to be ejected from the lab.
Internet use that is not directly Related to your studies, including the following, IS NOT PERMITTED: A.Downloading audio and video files including MP3 files and other similar files;(listening or watching) music sites, Twitter. Facebook or any other social network.
B. unless the material is relevant to your course of relevant to your course of study; playing any form of study; playing any form of game over the Internet; game over the Internet; accessing any site containing accessing any site containing pornographic material is not pornographic material is not permitted. permitted.
OBJECTIVES 1.Lab rules 2.Oral Practice
Schoolwork only. This lab is not a café internet.
Students are not allowed to reconfigure or install programs reconfigure or install programs on the computers located in the on the computers located in the lab. lab. Storing unauthorized software Storing unauthorized software on the lab computers is not on the lab computers is not allowed. Students are not allowed. Students are not authorized to plug/unplug authorized to plug/unplug cables from the rear of cables from the rear of computers. computers.
If a computer does not work correctly please notify to your correctly please notify to your teacher. Do not try to fix the teacher. Do not try to fix the problem yourself. problem yourself.
Please keep the lab in a clean and tidy state. Leave the work and tidy state. Leave the work area in a satisfactory condition. area in a satisfactory condition.
Come to this room to practice and learn English! learn English!
WHICH JOBS LOOK MORE FUN TO YOU? WHY? JK Rowling Lady Gaga Picasso Nureyev Andretti Bruce Willis Silvia Tcherassi Match a job with a person WRITERSINGERACTOR FASHION DESIGNER PAINTER RACE – CAR DRIVER DANCERINVENTOR
ORAL PRACTICE. EXAMPLE: A CHEF WORKS WELL IN A TEAM A FOOTBALL MANAGER IS GOOD AT MAKING DECISIONS A chef A DJ A farmer A football manager A musician A teacher Knows how to … make people happy talk to people Is good at … making decisins making money Works well … in a team with animals
WHAT DOES A FLORIST DO? She / he /Make arrangements WHAT DOES A TEACHER DO? He/she/ teach A florist knows how to MAKE ARRANGEMENTS A florist is good at MAKING FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS A florist works well WITH FLOWERS
TELEPHONE OPERATOR She / he / give/ people information WHAT DOES A COUNSELLOR DO? She / he / give advice A ____ knows how to ____ A _____is good at ______(ing) A ___ works well ____
WHAT DOES A GOSSIP COLUMNIST DO? He / she / write / about famous people WHAT DOES A SURGEON DO? He / she operate/ on people A ____ knows how to ____ A _____is good at ______(ing) A ___ works well ____
WHAT DOES A FREELANCE WRITER DO? He / she Sell/ work or services by the hour, day, job WHAT DOES A TOUR GUIDE DO? He / she Take / people on tours A ____ knows how to ____ A _____is good at ______(ing) A ___ works well ____
WHAT DOES AN ARCHITECT DO? He / she Design buildings WHAT DOES A HOTEL RECEPTIONIST DO? He / she /Deal / with guests in hotels A ____ knows how to ____ A _____is good at ______(ing) A ___ works well ____
WHAT DOES A GLAZIER DO? He / she Fit / windows WHAT DOES A HOUSE PAINTER DO? He / paint/ houses A ____ knows how to ____ A _____is good at ______(ing) A ___ works well ____
WHAT DOES AN ACTOR DO? He / Perform/ in front of people WHAT DOES A POLITICIAN DO He / she / make / people believe in them A ____ knows how to ____ A _____is good at ______(ing) A ___ works well ____
WHAT DOES A MINER DO? He / work / underground WHAT DOES A PUPPETEER DO? He / she entertain with puppets A ____ knows how to ____ A _____is good at ______(ing) A ___ works well ____
Lesson 21 LISTENING PRACTICE 1-Tim-JobOptions.htm
Hangman game Hangman game. GAMES
lessons.com/presentcontinuous/exercise4.swf ENGLISH STRUCTURE PRACTICE lessons.com/presentcontinuous/exercise3.swf